Kidney Infection Symptoms To Check


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Kidney Infection Symptoms To Check

Your kidneys are the unsung heroes of your body. They work tirelessly to maintain your health, balance fluids, and filter waste. However, what occurs if an invader targets these essential organs?

Pyelonephritis, the official term for a kidney infection, is more than another health issue. Your kidneys are the focus of this dangerous bacterial infection, which begins in the urinary tract and moves upward. If left untreated, it may result in kidney failure, sepsis, or irreversible harm.

Early symptoms might be misleading, resembling less severe conditions like a typical urinary tract infection. Vigilance becomes your best defense in this situation. Early detection of the warning signals is not only crucial but also life-saving.

Causes of Kidney Infection

Kidney infection occurs when E. coli (Escherichia coli) infects our kidneys. These E. Coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria live in our bowel tract. When they enter the opening of the urethra and move through the urinary tract, first infecting the bladder and then the kidney, they cause kidney infections. It happens when bacteria accidentally spread from the anus to the urethra. It happens due to poor hygiene or during unprotected sex. Some factors that put us at risk of kidney infections include:

  • A urinary tract is shaped in a way that makes it difficult for pee to travel through.
  • Experiencing vesicoureteral reflux, a condition in which pee flows back into the ureters from the urinary system.
  • An enlarged male prostate.
  • A compromised immune system as a result of medication or a disease.
  • Damage to the nerves or spinal cord that could prevent bladder infection symptoms.
  • Having a catheter in the urine.
  • Urinary tract tumors, either internal or external.

 Kidney Infection Symptoms to Check

Kidney Infection Symptoms
  1. Severe pain in your back or side, towards your genitals, and around your kidney
  2. Fever with a temperature very high, around 103F or more
  3. Feeling weak and tired
  4. Shivering and chills
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. Feeling sick and nauseous
  7. Diarrhea
  8. Smelly, cloudy, and bloody urine
  9. Burning pain when you pass urine
  10. The urge to pass urine more often than usual
  11. Not able to urinate fully

Kidney Infection Symptoms in Children

  1. Irritable and cranky
  2. Not eating
  3. Vomits and diarrhea
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. Delay in growth
  6. Jaundice
  7. Blood in urine
  8. Bed Wetting
  9. Foul smell in urine

Complications from Kidney Infection

Complications from Kidney Infection
  1. Permanent kidney damage, which leads to chronic kidney disease
  2. Blood poisoning or sepsis occurs when the kidney filters waste blood. If the kidney fails, bacteria can enter the bloodstream and circulate in the body. It results in confusion or disorientation and excessive sweating. It also triggers rapid heartbeat, pale skin, and breathlessness.
  3. Pregnancy complications like the low birth weight of babies
  4. Kidney Abscess: Here, pus develops inside the kidney tissue. People with diabetes are more prone to kidney abscesses, which are more severe because bacteria in the abscess can spread to other parts via the bloodstream.
  5. High blood pressure
  6. Premature labor and birth

Prevention of Kidney Infection

To prevent kidney infection, we must ensure no urinary tract infection. Maintaining proper health and hygiene can be achieved. Other ways to reduce Kidney infection chances are:

  1. Urinate frequently: Never hold or control the urine. Whenever the urge arises, you must urinate.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Fluids can help remove bacteria from body and keep the tract clean.
  3. Urinate after intercourse: Urinating as soon as possible after intercourse helps in clearing bacteria from the urethra, thus reducing the risk of infection.
  4. Wipe properly: Do not wipe from back to front, as the infection spreads this way. Adopt a habit of wiping from front to back.
  5. Do not use cosmetics in genitals as they cause infections.
  6. Choose contraceptives wisely, as some foster bacterial growth in the vagina.
  7. Do not take a bath in the tub; use the shower. As tubs may have germs spreading infections
  8. Do not wear tight panties, but wear breathable underwear. Tight fabrics cause bacteria onset on moist underwear, so opt for cotton ones.
  9. Do not wear sweaty pants and swimwear for long after finishing workouts; change immediately.

When to Seek Medical Attention

When to Seek Medical Attention

Your body has an alarm system, and you can’t ignore the flashing red lights indicating kidney infections. A sudden, concerning appearance of blood in your urine or signs of extreme dehydration, such as lightheadedness, disorientation, or a fast heartbeat, indicate that your illness may be getting worse.

If you ignore these signs, it would be like ignoring a fire alarm. If the treatment is delayed, the infection may spread and cause serious side effects, such as kidney abscesses or even sepsis, a potentially fatal infection reaction. In addition to reducing the immediate danger, prompt treatment protects your kidneys from long-term harm. At the first hint of problems, get medical help rather than waiting for the storm to pass.


The above compilation on Kidney Infection Symptoms to check draws from readings and learnings gathered over time. There are some severe impacts these kidney infections may cause, so check these symptoms and ensure proper care. Medical professionals must provide them with immediate attention to prevent painful repercussions. Check out more about pyelonephritis here. Doctors successfully treat most kidney infections if they detect them on time. And there are rare fatal occurrences. However, some people may develop further problems.

  • May 2017
    Written by Minu Manisha
  • Nov 2024
    Edited by Ankita