Metallic Taste In Mouth – Know The Causes And How To Prevent It


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Metallic taste in mouth

When we are talking about a metallic taste in the mouth, it is often hard to decipher what we mean, right? Well, if you have felt the same kind of taste, chances are that there could be a number of reasons behind the said condition.

For the most part, you might also experience consistent copper taste in the mouth, mainly because of the fact that you could either be taking some kind of medication or even experiencing it when you put your bloody finger in your mouth.

In here, we are going to discuss about some of the reasons why your mouth tastes like metal and how you can get rid of it.

What is Metallic Taste in Mouth?

What is Metallic Taste in MouthWhen someone says that that have been experiencing a metallic taste in their mouth, the same in medical terms is known as parageusia. The taste is often very unpleasant and can happen when you become reliant on a certain form of medication for a long time period.

If you are confused as to why you could be experiencing the stringent taste all of a sudden, it is important that you know of the pathway that leads you to have the sense of taste.

It is the olfactory sensory neurons that play the primary role when it comes to the sense of smell. The nerve endings responsible for these are what send and relay forward the signals which are then identified by the sense of taste. There could be a number of factors responsible for this.

This is the reason why doctors suggest that there could be multiple reasons why you are experiencing this sudden change in taste.

What are the reasons for metallic taste in mouth?

What are the reasons for metallic taste in mouthIf you have been experiencing sudden copper taste in mouth, chances are that the same could very well be because of a number of conditions. This is where you need to check what could be causing it. More than getting rid of the problems, it is important that you first find the cause behind the said condition.

Knowing the same does solve more than half of the problems.

Some of the possible causes behind the metallic taste in mouth include:

1. Certain medications

Certain medicationsIf you have been wondering why do I have a metallic taste in mouth, there are chances that your medications could be the one to be blamed. The same is often considered a very common side effect of medication.

There are several types of medications that are believed to contribute to this condition, the predominant ones being the gout medicine and even the hypertension medication. Others include psychiatric medications and some of the medicines that are used for the treatment of the cardiac conditions.

Why the same contributes is because when you consume the medicine, the same is absorbed in the body and the rest of it comes out in the saliva, causing a side effect with the bad lingering taste in the mouth.

2. Improper oral hygiene

Improper oral hygieneIf you don’t take proper care of your oral hygiene, chances are that the same will reflect on the kind of metallic taste that you have in the mouth. For the most part, it leaves behind a very stringent taste, one that nobody likes to experience.

Some of the dental health issues like gum diseases and periodontitis can further contribute to the condition of the metallic taste that you have been experiencing. There aren’t many studies that prove how the same happens, but it is a fact.

Often times, lack of proper oral hygiene tends to affect the oral health and even impose infections which have been found to have negative impacts and leave behind a weird taste in the mouth that you might be experiencing.

3. Infections

InfectionsBacterial or any form of infection in the upper respiratory tract caused because of cold and sinusitis does have impacts in causing the unnecessary bouts of metallic taste that you must have been experiencing.

In addition to that, if you leave the infection untreated, chances are that the same will end up affecting your health for the worse and impose further risks of the bad health that you could be experiencing.

4. Chemotherapy


If you are undergoing cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy and radiation, the same further does contribute to the condition of the metallic taste that you are experiencing.

It is believed that the same could be because of the chemicals and the medications that are being injected into their body that could further be contributing to the condition of the unique taste that you might have been experiencing.

5. Pregnancy

PregnancyWith the sudden changes in the hormonal levels, there are chances that the same will end up affecting one’s sense of taste as well. This is one of the reasons why there are chances that you could be experiencing the metallic taste.

It is not a certain fact but could be one of the many contributing factors that you could be experiencing.

6. Dementia

DementiaPeople suffering from dementia often suffer from the lack of knowledge of the smell and taste which then converts to the condition of metallic taste that you might have been experiencing.

The taste abnormalities that they face could be because of the affected cognitive functioning but nothing is set in stone yet. Given that there are possibilities that one’s portion of the brain relating to taste could be affected, the same ends up contributing to the condition of the copper and metal like taste that you have been experiencing.

How to get rid of metallic taste in mouth?

How to get rid of metallic taste in mouthWhen it comes round to the condition of paraguesia, there are a number of ways by which you can get rid of the same.

It is quite important that you further focus on the remedies that we are going to mention if you want noticeable results.

1. Use salt water mouth rinse

Use salt water mouth rinseIf the metallic taste in mouth is being caused because of any form of infection, the best way to get rid of the same is by opting for the salt water mouth rinse.

Given that salt has potent antimicrobial properties (R), the same has been found quite effective in helping improve the condition and get rid of the infection for good.

What to do?

  • Warm up a cup of water
  • To that, add 1 tsp of salt and mix till it dissolves
  • Use this to gargle and rinse your mouth
  • Do this 2 times daily

2. Oil pulling

Oil pullingYet another one of the best remedies to get rid of the copper taste in mouth is by opting for oil pulling. The reason why this works is all because of the fact that it has potent antimicrobial (R) properties which reduce the risks of infection and helps improve the oral health as well.

Using coconut oil is one of the best options for oil pulling, mainly because of the beneficial properties that it has.

What to do?

  • Start by taking 1 tbsp of coconut oil in your mouth
  • Using this to swish around your mouth for 10 minutes
  • Once done, spit it out of the mouth
  • Rinse the mouth with some warm water
  • Do this twice daily

3. Baking soda

Baking sodaFor those unaware, baking soda is a cleaning and detoxifying agent which again has potent benefits on the body. If you have been experiencing the unnecessary bout of the metallic taste in the mouth, the best way to overcome that is by using baking soda.

Making a mouthwash with baking soda helps restore the pH balance of the mouth and even prevents the unnecessary copper taste that you might have been experiencing.

What to do?

  • Take a glass of warm water
  • To that, add 1/4th tsp of baking soda and mix
  • Use this as a mouthwash and rinse your mouth
  • Do this twice a day for better benefits

4. Green tea

Green teaThe reason why green tea is considered one of the best ways to get rid of metallic taste in mouth is because of the fact that it has beneficial antioxidants in it. The catechins help improve the overall immunity and at the same time help in preventing the risks of infection that one could be struggling with.

If you have any sort of infection, the green tea can help keep that in check as well.

What to do?

  • Fill a cup with some boiling water
  • Steep a green teabag for 3 minutes
  • Drink that twice a day

5. Keep yourself hydrated

Keep yourself hydratedIf you are dehydrated, the same can contribute to a condition called dry mouth which has direct impacts on the metallic taste that you have been experiencing. The best way to overcome that is by ensuring that you drink optimal amount of water.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water on a daily basis helps keep you hydrated and prevents the risks of dry mouth, thus helping prevent the metallic taste that everyone complains about.

6. Chew gum

Chew gumAnother effective way that can help cope with the metallic taste is by chewing some sugar free gum. It can help produce more saliva, thus washing down the metallic taste and even helping improve the normal taste as well. It is also quite effective if you have been struggling with the condition of the dry mouth.

7. Avoid smoking

Avoid smokingIf you tend to have a habit of smoking, it is best that you drop it. The residual nicotine smell and taste does leave a very odd taste on the tongue which later contributes to a metallic taste that you could be experiencing. The best reason why that is the case is because it further contributes to dry mouth condition that could be causing the condition to become worse.

8. Brushing teeth

Brushing teethMany of us tend to have a habit of not brushing our teeth after meals. If you want the best outcome for your health and to get rid of the unnecessary metallic taste, it is best suggested that you do brush your teeth twice daily, especially after the meals. The remnants of the food in the oral cavity often tends to cause infection which leave behind a metallic taste if you don’t brush your teeth from time to time.

How to prevent metallic taste in mouth?

How to prevent metallic taste in mouth

As there could be a number of reasons behind the condition of the metallic taste in mouth, prevention is always better than cure.

In order to prevent it, you first need to realize what is causing it in the first place. Once that is sorted out, it does become a lot easier for you to prevent it from happening again.

Some of the best way to prevent metallic taste in mouth includes:

  • Maintain proper oral hygiene
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Keep yourself hydrated

The metallic taste in mouth is something that you need to fix as soon as possible as the same can create a disinterest in your will to eat as well. If you find the condition persistent, it is best that you see a doctor for it to get a proper diagnosis for the condition.