15 Reasons For Not Feeling Hungry – Know The Causes


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Reasons for not feeling hungry
src: www.jasonmd.com

Food is a quintessential part of our life. Given that our body needs the necessary nutrients to function, the sudden bout of lack of appetite can most definitely end up causing impacts on one’s overall health, making it hard for them to lead a healthy life. Finding the reasons for not feeling hungry helps manage the signs and symptoms better.

If you have been giving up your food intake by a drastic amount, it is always best suggested to ensure that you find the causes behind the condition. Understand what is making it harder for you to have the will to eat.

In here, we are going to be suggesting some of the causes of not feeling hungry and how the same can affect your health in the long run.

Why am I not hungry?

Why am I not hungry
src: www.missminimalist.com

Given that there could be a certain number of reasons for not feeling hungry, it is very important that you do know about them. This will provide you with a better insight onto how to tackle the situation and ward the problem altogether.

None of this is as easy as it might seem like which is why it is important that you do focus on identifying the main causes behind the condition. This help you fight the root cause which further helps in bettering the overall condition and gets you to work from there.

Don’t rush through and force feed yourself because that is not going to work for such conditions. Here, we are going to list out some of the most common and strange causes of not feeling hungry.

1.Those days of not feeling hungry

Those days of not feeling hungryIt is not uncommon for you to have those certain days that you don’t feel hungry at all. There could very well be no specific reason to this condition rather than you making it bigger than it has to be.

If you are not feeling hungry, chances are that you could have had a heavy dinner the day before or something of similar sorts. Instead of jumping into conclusions that something is severely wrong, it is best that you do focus on keeping this aligned for you.

Understand that not everything has to result in something wrong related to your health. But, this kind of scenario is not for something prolonged. These happen every once in a while and only lasts for a meal or maximum for a day.

Instead of rushing into conclusions if something like this happens, it is best if you do take the time to focus on your well being first and opt for a holistic approach for the check-up.

2.Leading a sedentary lifestyle

Leading a sedentary lifestyleFor people who have been leading a very sedentary and inactive lifestyle, chances are that you are going to experience a lack in appetite.

Given that an inactive lifestyle tends to have impacts on the overall metabolism of the body, it is important that you do focus on leading a type of lifestyle that primarily focuses on the overall prospects of leading a healthy and active life.

When you have an active lifestyle and you exercise on a regular basis, chances are that you are going to end up boosting your metabolism and the overall function of the body and the same can help you boost your overall will to eat as well.

Read: What Happens To The Body When You Live A Sedentary Lifestyle?

3.Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance
src: fmidr.com

Hormones do play a very crucial role in the overall well being. This is the reason why it is very important to ensure that you keep an eye out on the hormonal balance in the body.

One of the most common reasons for not feeling hungry is because of the fact the levels of the hormones associated with hunger and satiety could be abnormal.

Ghrelin (R), Peptide YY (R) as well as cholecystokin (R) (R) are some of the primary hormones that are associated with hunger and satiety. It is very important to get their levels checked in your body because the imbalance in their levels could be the answer to your question of Why am I not hungry.

4.Side effects of medication

Side effects of medicationThere are several forms of medicines available that we consume that has impacts in regulating your appetite, making you less hungry through the day. If that is something you have been experiencing on a daily basis, it is very important that you do consult a doctor and get your medicines checked out because these could be a very possible reason behind the condition.

Apart from the antibiotics which many think as the common impacts, the blood pressure medications as well as the digestion related pills have also been associated to be some of the common reasons that can affect your levels of hunger.

It is always best to go see the doctor in such situations and get it clarified from them whether or not the prescribed medicines could be a culprit behind these conditions.

5.Stress and mood

Stress and moodIf your stress levels are high, chances are that you might devour the plate of food in front of you or end up not feeling hungry through the process. These are some of the extreme conditions that you can experience through.

It is important that you first ascertain what could be some of the causes of not feeling hungry and then make your way up from there. It is very important that you don’t rush through the process because your mood first needs to be improved.

Try and get rid of the cause or causes behind the stress and try and improve your mood and the same can have beneficial impacts on the overall appetite that you have going.

Read: Box Breathing Technique – A Beneficial Requisite For Stress Management

6.Cold, flu or viral reactions

Cold flu or viral reactionsOne of the most common reasons for not feeling hungry is because of you suffering from cold, flu or even viral fever.

Owing to the fact that your body is already trying to fight back the infection and the bacterial infestation in the body, chances are that you are going to not have the will to eat.

These kinds of situations are quite common and it is important that you don’t force feed yourself. Instead, stick to lighter meals only when you are hungry and ensure to keep yourself hydrated through such conditions.

The lack of smell and taste sensations often also makes it as a reason why you don’t feel like eating anything in such conditions. It is important that you take the necessary medications and don’t let it go overboard.

Read: 15 Easy Yet Effective Cold and Flu Remedies

7.Lack of zeal for cooking

Lack of zeal for cookingCooking is a tedious task. If you live alone you’d know that one of the primary reasons why people tend to avoid feeling hungry or train their mind to not feel hungry is because they don’t want to go around and cook their meals.

The lack of enthusiasm in cooking the meals is often one of the primary reasons for not feeling hungry. You’ll try to convince yourself that you are not hungry and the same stays ingrained in your mind, making you skip meals.

Often times, meal prep for the entire week beforehand comes in handy in such conditions because then you already have readymade meals that you only need to heat up through the week.

8.Improper thyroid functions

Improper thyroid functions
src: mnn.com

Thyroid is one of the most important glands when it comes to the regulation of the overall metabolism of the body. It is thus very important to ensure that you look out for any kind of improper thyroid functions; it could be hypothyroidism or even hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid secretes hormones (R) which is associated with our metabolism, so any kind of irregularity in the levels of the secreted hormones because of the improper functions of the thyroid can make you not feel hungry through the day.

If this condition does persist for an extended period of time, it is always best to consult a doctor before it’s too late.

Read: Best Yoga Poses For Thyroid Treatment


DepressionDepression is yet another one of the reasons for not feeling hungry that you possibly had no idea about. If you have been on the suffering from this specific mental health disorder, chances are that the same does have impacts on your appetite.

Given that your feelings aren’t in the best of state, chances are that you won’t feel hungry all the more during such state of mind. This is the reason why it is best suggested to ensure that you do assess the state and condition of your mental health alongside to get a better outlook on this condition altogether.

If you are suffering from chronic depression, it is best suggested to ensure that you do focus on tending to the condition first and then work on your appetite second.

Read: 10 Efficient Ways to Avoid Depression For Better Mental Peace

10.Prolonged dieting

Prolonged dietingIf you started a completely changed diet for your weight loss results from what you normally eat, chances are that you will experience hampered levels of appetite altogether.

In such conditions, it is best suggested that you understand that the prolonged dieting is what is causing you to not feel hungry because your body has already gotten accustomed to the kind of food that you have fed it with.

In such situations, it is best suggested that we do ease ourselves back into the diet rather than forcing us to eat something that you necessarily wouldn’t otherwise.


PregnancyThe lack of appetite is often one of the common conditions that many pregnant women experience, especially through their first trimester of the term.

The main reason why several women experience this condition is mainly because of the bout of nausea that they experience through the condition.

Given that constipation and upset stomach are also sometimes common during pregnancy, that can also influence the lack of hunger through the term of pregnancy for several women.

12.Alcohol and drug abuse

Alcohol and drug abusePeople who are heavy drinkers or even tend to indulge in drug abuse, chances are that you are going to experience a bout of problems with the appetite. Given that you are filling yourself up with the empty calories, the same ends up making your feel bloated through the day.

The feeling of bloating has been found to have negative impacts on the appetite, making it hard for you to feel hungry or such.

Additionally, both the alcohol and the drugs have negative impacts on the body, especially on the gastrointestinal tract. Drugs especially do have impacts in inducing rapid weight loss and can cause lack of appetite in you which further complicates things even more.

Read: What Are The Effects Of Alcohol On Your Skin? 7 Alarming Side Effects


DehydrationDehydration, as surprising as it might sound, is actually one of the common causes of not feeling hungry that possibly you have no idea about.

It is very important that you always keep yourself hydrated through the day because the same is what helps in boosting your overall health.

Even though it is hard to convince the connections between the same, there could very well be a number of reasons that could be making it harder for you to pull your concentration on the same.

14.Negative atmosphere at home

Negative atmosphere at home
src: static.onecms.io

If you have been struggling with lack of appetite through the time, chances are that the negative atmosphere which is prevalent around in your home could be a contributing factor to this.

The constant fights at the dining table or even the constant bout of turmoil at the dining table can be a contributing factor to the condition of lack of appetite for you. It is very important that you do pay attention what is causing this problem in the first place.

If your parents are constantly fighting, chances are that the same can end up making it hard for you to even feel hungry because you don’t want to experience the same thing all over again.

Read: 13 Effective Ways To Increase Your Appetite For a Healthier Body


src: www.cancertodaymag.org

Last but not the least when it comes to the causes of not feeling hungry can be the condition of cancer. Some of the prevalent types that can cause this condition include ovarian, colorectal, pancreatic or even the bladder related cancers that we often tend to struggle with.

It is important that you take swift actions in such conditions, mainly because of the fact that the prevalence of this can worsen the condition even more so.

There could be a number of reasons for not feeling hungry. It all does come down to how you react and handle the condition that matters in the end. If you have been experiencing a lack of appetite for an extended period of time accompanied with several other conditions associated, it is always best to consult a doctor.