22 Signs Something Is Wrong With Your Body – Know The Red Flags!


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signs something is wrong with your body

A cough is not a simple cough when it lasts longer than it should or reoccurs after a few days. The constant pain and pull in the chest is not normal if it is persistent. Like these, there are a number of signs something is wrong with your body that you are likely not even aware of.

How often do you brush aside the symptoms thinking they are nothing major? For the most part, the signs that we brush aside are the ones that end up causing the most chaos for our body.

Here, we are going to be discussing some of the most alarming signs your body might be in trouble.

Signs something is wrong with your body

When you are wondering about the signs your body is telling you something is wrong, chances are that the list is actually quite long.

Knowing about each one of them does sort out a lot of the complications before it takes a turn for the worse.

Let us take a look at some of the important symptoms of serious illness, shall we?

1. Unprecedented weight loss

Weight loss is a sign that not many people pay attention to, thinking that something is wrong. People like being in shape, don’t they?

But, it is a problem when you are consistently losing their weight without putting in any extra efforts.

Experts suggest that if you have lost over 10 pounds without indulging in any kind of exercise or strict diets, it is best that you get the same checked out before it takes a turn for the worse.

[ Also Read: 15 Weight Loss Mistakes Majority of People Commit Without Knowing ]

For the most part, this is considered as one of the signs something is wrong with your body because they indicate the incidence of a number of cancers.

2. A sudden tear in the back

If you experience a sudden tear in the back muscles, chances are that you wouldn’t take it for something serious. But, take some time out and realize that the same is actually something to worry about.

If the sudden tearing sensation is caused without any kind of exercise or physical activity, it is likely that you ruptured the aorta.

This is inflicted by a sudden pull and tearing sensation and can even lead to a serious condition if you don’t have it checked out by someone professional.

Aside from the tearing sensation, if you experience a sudden prolonged pain along with the feelings of nausea, make sure to seek medical emergency immediately.

3. Persistent chest pain

Chest pains are common, aren’t they? But the same can take a turn for the worse if you don’t have proper precaution for the consequences.

The incidence of chest pain can indicate a number of factors, ranging from a simple muscle strain to something as severe as a heart attack.

If you have been experiencing this, chances are that the same could be one of the signs of unhealthy body, especially your cardiovascular health.

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Monitor the intensity of the pain and if it is quite severe and lasts for a long time, it is best suggested that you consult a doctor before it takes a turn for the worse.

Chest pain is one of those symptoms of serious illness that you do need to take seriously, instead of simply brushing it away.

If the pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, it is best that you see a doctor straight away.

4. Experiencing a throbbing headache

Headaches themselves are not a normal sigh. They can indicate a number of underlying issues, ranging from something like high blood pressure to brain tumors.

If you are experiencing sustained headaches suddenly, it is important that you don’t brush it aside. Often times, they don’t mean anything but oftentimes, the same can indicate a brain aneurysm, shingles, meningitis, or even hemorrhage.

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Often times, people struggle with an unruptured brain aneurysm that they aren’t even aware of. This is the reason why it is important that you keep a close eye on the same.

5. Affected skin quality

Your skin says a lot about you, especially when you are experiencing persistent rashes and stretch marks on your body out of the blue.

It is true that people struggle with skin issues but when there is a pattern to the damage and something that is happening over and over again, it is likely because of some kind of underlying health issue. This is the reason why it is best that you consult a doctor before it ends up taking a turn for the worse.

Rashes and stretch marks out of the blue often are considered as the signs something is wrong with your body.

6. Constant complaints of heartburn

So, you had a very spicy dish for dinner last night. Experiencing momentary heartburn because of that is pretty common but when the same becomes a recurring issue, which is when you need to treat the symptom seriously.

Apart from the constant heartburn being a sign of GERD, it is also often believed to be a possible sign for the condition of heart diseases.

[ Also Read: How to Get rid of Heart Burn ]

Heart diseases and its symptoms in women are often much suppressed and it is often too late before it is diagnosed. This is the reason why it is best that you do focus on seeing a doctor before it takes a turn for the worse.

7. Feeling cold all the time

It is common for someone people to have the body temperature of a furnace and some to always feel cold. But, if the same is persistent and you find complaining about being cold even on the hotter days, that could be one of the signs your body might be in trouble.

Often times, feeling extremely cold even when you are covered in a blanket could indicate an underactive thyroid.

People struggling with hypothyroidism face this issue of feeling cold out of the blue. It causes the body’s inability to keep itself warm, making you feel cold quite often.

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Aside from that, a nutritional imbalance is also a possible reason behind the condition that you possibly didn’t even know about.

8. Eroded teeth enamel

If you have been noticing excessive sensitivity in your teeth and feeling that the top layer of the teeth has eroded, it could be one of the signs something is wrong with your body.

Often times, the common complaints with the excessive acid reflux that many people face are that it erodes the back of the teeth enamel.

If you have been experiencing persistently, it is best suggested that you do focus on getting a doctor check out the issue with acid reflux before it takes a turn for the worse.

It is always best to consult a gastroenterologist for a better diagnosis of what exactly is the problem and a possible cure before it does get worse.

9. Constant dizziness

If you often feel dizzy and lightheaded, know for a fact that the same is not a normal occurrence and requires you to see a doctor.

There could be a number of underlying issues behind the same, the constant fluctuation blood pressure being one of the most common ones. That aside, if you have been experiencing it for a long time paired with nausea and vomiting, we would suggest that you do see a doctor before it becomes worse.

[ Related: How to Get rid of Dizziness ]

The same could indicate underlying issues with the thyroid, and heart conditions as well, so it is best that you get it checked out beforehand.

10. Constant pain in the abdomen

Yet another one of the common issues that many people experience is that of the constant pain in their abdomen.

If the pain is persistent, it is important that you find better ways to cope with the issue. It could be something completely harmless like indigestion but in the grand scheme of events, it is always best that you get the same checked out before it results in something bigger.

Often times, the constant pain is indicative of a case of a gastrointestinal issues or even cancer, for that matter. If the severity and the frequency of the pain become more, it is best suggested that you see a doctor.

11. The perplexed or confused state of mind

If you are suddenly feeling confused about things, it could mean a number of underlying issues. If that is something that you have been experiencing out of the blue and without any trigger, it could indicate as one of the signs you are not healthy.

Aside from the sudden fluctuation in the blood glucose levels, the sudden advent of confusion often tends to indicate something even bigger including brain tumor, bleeding in the brain or even stroke that one is not even aware of.

It could also indicate a sign of infection or dehydration, so make sure that you keep that as a possibility in the list as well.

If you can witness the sudden change in the behavior yourself, it is important that you consult a doctor about the same.

12. Constantly dried lips

Chapped and dried lips are quite common during the winters but if you are someone who struggles with chapped lips all throughout the year, and have to rely on the lip balms to keep you going, the same could be an indicative signs something is wrong with your body.

It is believed that chapped lips are often the primary indicator of deficiency of vitamins in the body.

If that is something, it is best that you seek some medical advice to get the correct supplementation for a better cure.

13. Vaginal bleeding

Women do go through menstruation for a few days in a month and that is completely normal and a cycle that happens every month.

The issues arise when you are experiencing post-menopausal bleeding even after your monthly periods are done with.

The condition could indicate a number of issues, ranging from something as trivial as a hormonal imbalance to something as severe as uterine cancer.

This is a very rare case but oftentimes, it is best that you seek early diagnosis to prevent unnecessary chaos later in life.

14. Persistently cold hands

Yet another one of the symptoms of serious illness that you need to pay close attention to is when you have extremely cold hands all the time.

Even though it might not seem like a lot to some, if your hands are always cold and have a bluish tint to the skin, it is best that you see a doctor before it takes a bad turn.

Doctors suggest that the obstructed blood flow around the body is what could be causing this issue. Make sure that you consult a professional to get a proper diagnosis so you can combat the condition accordingly.

15. Presence of hemorrhoids

The condition of hemorrhoids itself is a condition that you need to take seriously because of the risks they impose.

But, oftentimes, hemorrhoids bring forth a number of underlying health conditions as well that are either often undiagnosed or not paid close attention to.

Crohn’s disease is one of the most common issues shown by the presence of hemorrhoids. If you are constantly experiencing an unpleasant feeling, especially because of the defecation, we would suggest that you see a doctor before it takes a turn for the worse.

[ Also Read: How to Get rid of Hemorrhoids – Best Relief ]

The lack of treatment of this condition can later impact the health for the worse, especially when it comes to one’s bowel movements and such. It is thus best that you see a doctor before it gets worse.

16. Profuse sweating

Sweating is a natural process and is actually important for your body to get rid of the toxins from time to time.

The problem arises when the rate of sweating is excessive and that too out of the blue. This can indicate a number of underlying health conditions that you do need to look into.

Often times, the signs of heavy sweating are considered to be a sign of underlying thyroid issue or even because of some kind of heart condition that is undiagnosed.

[ Related: Everything you have to know about Excessive Sweating ]

If you have been sweating unprecedently without any reasons as such, it is best that you see medical advice and do some tests to check out the possibilities of the condition.

17. Sudden loss of appetite

If you are experiencing a sudden change in your appetite, it is one of the most common signs your body is telling you something is wrong.

It is possible that the same could mean nothing and could be a temporary thing but if that is not the case, we would suggest that you do see a doctor before it unveils something bad for your health.

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Often times, it means little to nothing and could be because of digestive issues.

But, there are times when the sudden changes in the appetite could indicate the possibilities of risks of cancer and even an eating disorder that you are possibly not even aware of.

18. Sudden flashes of light

Also often referred to as the floater in your vision, seeing sudden flashes of light could highlight the issues with a misplace or detached retina that needs immediate fixing.

If left untreated, the same can cause complete and permanent loss of vision as well. This is the reason why it is important that you do see a doctor before things get out of hand.

These symptoms don’t necessarily cause any direct harm, which is the main reason why people don’t take them seriously. But, these sudden flashes can make you feel dizzy and cause headache.

It is always best that you see a doctor for the condition before it ends up taking a turn for the worse and end up causing permanent vision loss.

19. Constant itchiness

Say, something bit you and you are itchy. That is completely normal. What is not normal is when you experience this itchiness 24×7 without any warning and any sightful cause.

Constant or recurring itchiness could be indicative of an allergic reaction happening inside your body.

If you find that the same is happening when you are eating something in specific, there are chances that you could be allergic to the same.

But, if that is not the case, especially with the food, it is likely that the same could be because of the issue of surroundings around you.

Getting immediate diagnosis for the itch is important because the cytokines can otherwise cause unregulated inflammation in the body.

20. Constant hair loss

Often times, with hair fall, people treat it as happening because of external factors when that is not necessarily the case. Hair loss can indicate a number of underlying health conditions that you aren’t aware of.

Constant hair loss is a sign of underactive thyroid. Any kind of other endocrine issues can also result in the hair fall and persistent hair thinning.

But, experts have also often suggested that the vitamin deficiency could also be a possible cause behind the hair thinning.

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Whatever the condition be, it is always best that you do see a doctor for it before it ends up becoming worse or life-threatening.

21. Signs of premature greying

The majority of us do experience signs of premature greying of the hair. While some take it seriously and consult a doctor to get in-depth about the situation, some don’t pay much attention to it.

Often times, apart from liver issues, premature greying of the hair also indicates the issues related to thyroid issues as well.

If it has to do with the constant hormonal imbalance in the body, we would suggest that you do see a doctor about it before the same worsens over time.

Greying hair could also be a reason for poor scalp health that you can get checked if needed. Make sure to first see an endocrinologist get a better opinion and then see what kind of results the test brings out for a better understanding of things.

22. Changes in the breasts

Any kind of difference in the appearance and even in the way your breasts feel need immediate doctor’s attention.

If there is something that you feel wrong and different and something that wasn’t there the other day, it is very important (R) that you do see a doctor about it before it can spread and take a shape of an even bigger problem.

Often times, it is best that you look into the changes and ensure that you pay close attention to what is wrong so you can narrate the same to the doctor as per their needs.

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Changes in the breasts suddenly can refer to the risks of breast cancer. It could be nothing as well, which is why it is important that you consult someone professional.

Signs something is wrong with your body is something that you need to take seriously. The last thing that you want is to end up struggling with the undiagnosed condition when it takes a turn for the worse. Pay close attention to the symptoms and even the frequency and the intensity of the same. These can effectively help in reducing the risks before they become life-threatening and end up causing worse things to your body beyond your imagination.