10 Effective Ways To Treat Food Addiction to Regain Back Your Health


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treat food addiction

We all love to indulge in junk food from time to time, right? But, what if you can’t live without it much like how drug addicts struggle without their dose? Wondering are there ways to treat food addiction? There are a number of ways, but first you need to understand the severity of the problem.

The term, food addiction, is not really a very new concept altogether and is still a matter of skeptical approach. If you are here wondering about the HOWs and WHYs, now is the time to swerve through.

In here, we are doing to be discussing about everything that one needs to know when it comes to food addiction and the associated prospects.

What is Food Addiction?

What is food addiction

Food addiction is an addiction to food, preferably junk and unhealthy foods.

Even with its comparison to the drug addiction, the same is gaining momentum with the kind of research being put into it. If you are here wondering what it is that defines this completely, the same stands out to be in the form of a kind of addiction people have over junk and unhealthy food that makes them go back to it from time to time.

The lack of high quality statistics (R) is what somehow makes this a topic of controversy and something completely new.

Much like any other form of eating disorder, even this one accounts as one of them. The only standout point is the fact that in this form of disorder, the people involved tend to just rely on eating junk food.

If you have been constantly binge eating unhealthy foods, it is important that you stick to getting over food addiction and find ways for the food addiction recovery.

Check Out These Effective Ways To Manage Food Addiction.

What Causes Food Addiction?

What causes food addiction

When it does come down to discussing about the common in and outs of what causes food addiction, the possibilities can drag on to many prospects.

Owing to the lack of research in this field, it is often hard to deduce what is the primary cause behind the same. If you are here wondering how the binge eating of junk food can end up causing harm to your body and make you eat at an unprecedented rate, the reason behind the same could be because of the composition of the unhealthy fats and calories in them which make you want to reach out for it time and time.

All in all, it could be the taste or even the unhealthy composition of the food or even for the hormonal connections (R) that could be contributing to the consistent food addiction.

Signs and Symptoms of Food Addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Food Addiction

Now that you more or less have an idea about what the food addiction is and how it is defined as, it is best to ensure that you know the common signs and symptoms associated with food addiction.

It is beneficial to understand the same mainly because this is what is going to help you understand the ins and outs of the problem and take precautionary steps for the food addiction treatment.

  • Sudden cravings of foods and that too certain kinds even though you just finished eating a full meal just a few minutes or so back
  • You often end up eating more than you should when you start eating anything that you have been craving along for a long time
  • You tend to eat and stuff your face with the food that you like eating or crave till the point that you are stuffed to the core
  • Your guilt of eating a few different kinds of foods often takes a backseat when you start eating that food finally
  • Your head is filled with excuses for yourself when you feel like eating something unhealthy and such.
  • Your attempts in leaving these eating habits behind have not just failed once but multiple times and it is possible that you have given up on trying to do the same more than once
  • You try to act as if you are a healthy eater in front of others when in reality, that is far from the truth altogether
  • You have an uncontrollable urge when it comes to these foods and such and it is quite hard and most importantly, impossible for you to end over the urge to eat the kind of food you like

How to Overcome Food Addiction?

How to overcome food addiction

Now with everything aside, it is time to discuss about the tips for overcoming food addiction. The process might seem out to be a bit tough for some people, especially the ones who have a severe level of addiction but in order to cure food addiction, it is important one first trains their mind to know what is good and what is not.

1. Understand What’s Holding You Back

Understand what’s holding you back
ImageSource: www.escoffieronline.com

When it comes on to how to overcome food addiction, it is important you start with yourself first. It is beneficial to understand and know what the problem is first.

If you are not even aware of what is causing the problem in the first place, chances are that it is possibly going to end up amounting to nothing.

For getting over food addiction, it is important to ensure that you know the limitations that your brain is projecting on you. Why it is that it is becoming hard for you to end the food addiction altogether? If you don’t necessarily have time to assess the problems restricting you, it does imply that you will have a hard time grasping the process of the food addiction therapy altogether.

2. Maintain a Healthy Diet and Relationship With Food

Maintain a healthy diet and relationship with food

One of the main problems with people addicted to food is the fact that they can never maintain a healthy diet and healthy relationship with food. It is actually very important to ensure that you start maintaining a healthy relationship by averting the inclusion of bad foods from the diet.

It is common for substance abusers to have abstinence from food but given the fact that our body needs its dose of food everyday to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it goes without saying that you need to make healthier and better choices when it comes to picking the food to eat.

Instead of unwanted foods and such, it is always best suggested to first start off with easier ways to return back to a normal eating routine rather than just cutting out the daily requirements of the food and such.

3. Cut Down Sugar and Flour

Cut down sugar and flour

Many might not understand this but consuming sugar and flour is nothing short of like that of drugs and cocaine. Your brain functions around thinking it to be something correlated to cocaine which further ends up making you get “addicted” more.

We unknowingly end up consuming thousands of calories in between sugar and flour which is something that is not at all good for our health.

While you might be thinking how can reducing the intake of these help with the food addiction recovery, right? Well, the lessened consumption helps in ensuring that it doesn’t necessarily over stimulate the reward and pleasure centre in our brain, nucleus accumbens.

Apart from contributing to the unprecedented rates of insulin rise in the body, it is also often believed to have impacts on the release of leptin in the body which can inflict negative impacts as well.

4. Identify the Triggers

Identify the triggers
ImageSource: civileats.com

As crude as it might sound, it is important to understand that there are triggers when it comes to the overeating or the food addiction altogether.

You can’t necessarily have the urge to overeat out of the blue. There is going to be a number of triggers that could end up being a contributing factor to the same. It is very important to identify such triggers, be it social or environmental and understand that the same is influencing your eating habits.

When it comes to social pressure, the same can be correlated to parties and the associated events you attend. It is important to ensure that you understand the severity behind the same and opt for measures that will help in cutting down the possibility of you falling into it.

Same with the environment factors too, identify the problems that could arise and then opt for methods that will turn out to be beneficial in averting the condition altogether.

5. Boundaries with Unsafe Foods

Boundaries with Unsafe foods
ImageSource: www.livescience.com

One of the important factors to treat food addiction is to ensure that you have boundaries with the unsafe food.

When it comes down to explaining what the unsafe foods are, they are the ones that tend to inflict negative impacts on the body or the ones you tend to reach out for when suffering from food addiction.

If you find yourself binge eating some sort of food, especially when you are stressed, it is necessary to ensure that you either set boundaries with those kind of food or simple remove them from your reach and home altogether.

When you have easy access to the foods that you are addicted to, chances are that you will end up binge eating them when you don’t necessarily mean to do the same at all.

6. Maintain Regularity in Meals

Maintain regularity in meals

Regular meal timings are yet another one of the things that tend to have an amazing impact to cure food addiction for good.

You wouldn’t necessarily believe but when you stick to eating regular meals throughout the day, it does become a lot easier for you to manage withdrawals and you will find it easier to not give in to the desires.

If consuming 3 meals a day doesn’t necessarily suffice to your daily requirements altogether, make sure that you are changing it up with something that is healthy and accessible for you as well. Instead of having 3 meals a day, eat 5 but eat healthy.

Consuming regular meals everyday is also beneficial to maintenance of proper body weight and even contributes to improving the overall insulin sensitivity of the body.

7. Come Up with a Plan

Come up with a plan

Nobody goes to a war without any planning or preparation. If you have been looking around for ways for your food addiction therapy, it is important that you have your set plan for how to proceed with the same.

Irrespective of everything, it is important to ensure that the plan you are inculcating is not just effective but also impacts you in the healthiest way possible.

Find and research the process and learn about things that can be included in the process altogether. If you are finding it hard to stick to the plan, try and persuade and talk yourself through the process to ensure that you don’t give up on it halfway through.

If required, make a structured meal plan that would actually help bring you back on track. For people who have an unhealthy relationship with food, it has been seen that they have an affinity to not be able to adhere to healthy meal plans. Instead of giving in to your desires, talk yourself out of it.

8. Do Portioned Eating

Do portioned eating

Portions have been one of the most important aspects when it comes down to getting over food addiction.

For someone suffering from food addiction, they will often find themselves in the midst of eating something that’s way too much that what they should have eaten.

Having portion eating is actually quite beneficial in managing the amount of food one is consuming. When you train your brain to know that your limit is restricted, it learns to not go beyond the same.

9. Have Realistic Expectations

Have realistic expectations
ImageSource: theconversation.com

If you are suffering from food addiction and have been looking around for ways to cope with it, chances are that you will find multiple. That is not the factor.

When you are adhering to the tips for overcoming food addiction, it is important to ensure that you have expectations that are realistic and not over the top.

If you are here expecting that you will end up getting over food addiction in a day that is not how it works. It does take quite some time to make the body get used to the changes and then adhere to the positive prospects when you administer the same in the long run.

10. Consult a Professional

Consult a professional

Last but not the least to treat food addiction is to consult a designated professional for the same. It is important for you to understand the severity of it.

If you are here wondering what would consulting a professional do, it will provide you with a good perspective to work with.

Consulting someone medically can also help you gain a better approach to the food addiction therapy for you to not just overcome it but to also be able to not relapse into the habit.

In order for people to effectively treat food addiction, there is actually a number of prospects that one needs to look out for. The findings regarding this are still in the primitive stage and will require better approach for in- depth knowledge. Till then, it is best suggested to make healthier choices altogether.

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Somapika Dutta is a content developer who writes to express. She is an avid dog lover and an intrigued soul who likes to appreciate every minute existence. Touted as an introvert, she still prefers to explore things around and find inspiration in the simplest of occurrences that drive her to cultivate her capabilities further.