Treat Common Cough and Cold at Home


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Treating Common cold and cough at home

Common cough and cold are two of the most common health issues that cause discomfort and unease. The common cold is often accompanied by a cough, making the experience even more unpleasant.

While no medicine can completely cure it, medication can help reduce the symptoms. Even antibiotics are ineffective against the common cough and cold since viruses typically cause them.

It usually takes about seven days for the symptoms to resolve, but some home remedies can provide relief and aid in recovery. Here’s a compilation of remedies for treating common cough and cold at home to ease discomfort and support prevention and recovery.

These home-based remedies are safe and packed with nutrients. Instead of relying solely on chemical-laden medicines, it’s advisable to opt for natural, home-based methods to combat the discomfort caused by common cough and cold.

Home Remedies for Common cough and cold at Home

1. Garlic to the Rescue

Garlic to the rescue

Garlic is packed with antioxidants and is an excellent remedy for seasonal coughs and colds. It contains a compound called allicin, which has powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties (R).

These properties not only help relieve existing symptoms but also reduce the chances of developing acute conditions. Consuming garlic daily can help boost immunity and prevent common coughs and colds.

  1. For Earache and Mucus Relief

Garlic can provide instant relief for severe earaches caused by mucus buildup, which can lead to infections, especially in children. These ear infections often result from mucus deposits in the bronchial passage and can escalate to cough and cold.

C crush a few garlic cloves and wrap them in a clean cloth to relieve and cure this. Place this near or over the affected ear, ensuring it is not inserted too deeply.

  1. For Cough and Cold Relief

Take 4 to 5 garlic cloves, lightly crush them, and sauté in ghee or sweet cream butter. Consume this with warm water as an effective remedy for cough and cold.

  1. As an Antibacterial and Antiviral Drink

Juice 4 garlic cloves, two tomatoes, and a lemon to make a potent antibacterial and antiviral drink. Consume this twice a day throughout the allergy season to prevent infections.

  1. Tomato and Garlic Soup

Combine four garlic cloves and two tomatoes to prepare a nourishing tomato and garlic soup. Add a little rock salt and cumin seeds for flavor. Have this soup 3 times a day during winter to prevent common cough and cold and boost your energy levels instantly.

Also, Read: Best Home Remedies to Cure Cold

2. Turmeric Treatment

Turmeric treatmentTurmeric is rich in curcumin, a natural anti-inflammatory compound, bioactive compounds, and volatile oils, which provide protective and therapeutic effects (R) for individuals suffering from cough and cold.

Turmeric also boosts the body’s antioxidant capacity and has antiviral and antibacterial properties, helping to fight infections and prevent further proliferation.

  1. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric is best used at the onset of a sore throat or cough, as it can help prevent the infection from becoming severe.

Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of milk. Boil the mixture and drink it while it is still warm. Add some honey to sweeten the drink and enhance its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

  1. Turmeric Tea

Another effective way to use turmeric is by preparing turmeric tea.

Boil 4 cups of water and add one tablespoon of turmeric powder. Let the solution simmer and stand for 10 minutes. Strain the mixture, then add honey and lemon for a medicinal turmeric tea. For additional benefits, you can add a few tulsi leaves to the tea.

Also, Read: Home Remedies to Cure Baby Cold

3. Pepper and Dry Ginger

Pepper and Dry GingerPepper powder and dry ginger mixed with hot water is highly effective for cough and cold relief.

Add one teaspoon of sweet cream butter or ghee to a vessel. Add half a teaspoon of pepper powder, half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder, and one medium glass of water. Mix in two teaspoons of honey or brown sugar for sweetness. Let the mixture boil until the water reduces to half. Drink it hot before going to bed.

This remedy provides instant relief from a sore throat and cold and helps speed recovery.

4. Protective Herbal Tea

Protective herbal teaIn addition to turmeric tea and pepper-ginger hot water, several other herbal teas can benefit those who frequently suffer from cough and cold. These teas combine the healing effects of ingredients like pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and other herbs to relieve symptoms and keep the body healthy during seasonal outbreaks.

  1. Spiced Herbal Tea

Combine four pods of cardamom, four black peppercorns, four cloves, a few small slices of fresh ginger, and a small piece of cinnamon in water. Boil the mixture on low heat, covering the vessel, and let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the tea, add milk or honey, and drink it warm.

  1. Simple Tulsi Tea

Add about 15 washed tulsi leaves to 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil. After 10 minutes, strain the liquid and mix in one tablespoon of lemon juice. Drink it warm. Lemon juice, rich in vitamin C and healing properties, is an antiseptic, antioxidant, and antibacterial agent.

Combined with the medicinal benefits of tulsi, this tea helps boost immunity against colds.

  1. Neem and Honey Gargle Solution

Take three neem leaves and boil them in a glass of water. Once the liquid cools, mix in one teaspoon of honey. Use this solution to gargle and soothe a sore throat. Repeat twice a day for best results.

Also, Read How to Get Rid of Headache Fast with Home Remedies

5. Homemade Medicinal Lozenge or Cough Drops

Homemade medicinal lozenge or cough dropsTraditionally, lozenge-like remedies for cough and cold were very popular. These natural remedies help reduce throat irritation and provide a nutritious way to treat a cough. This homemade lozenge is packed with benefits for the entire body.

Take minced ginger and extract its juice. Roast and powder a few black peppercorns. Mix the ginger juice, pepper powder, a pinch of turmeric, and a little honey to form a thick paste. Place portions of the paste onto butter paper using a small spoon, shaping them into flat candy-like lozenges. Let the lozenges dry, then sprinkle powdered sugar over them.

Place one lozenge in your mouth and let it dissolve slowly for 15–20 minutes, allowing the juice to flow through your throat for relief. Repeat this remedy two or three times a day for effective results.

6. Steam and Hot Water Bath

Steam and hot water bathTake a hot bath with salt added to the water to refresh and revitalize your body.

Additionally, try steam therapy a few times a day for instant relief. Heat water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or a small amount of Vicks VapoRub. Using an inhaler or a large bowl, carefully inhale the steam to relieve congestion. This method can provide noticeable relief in just a few seconds.

7. Use Saffron

Use SaffronSaffron is commonly used in sweets to add a reddish-orange color and distinct flavor. However, it is also rich in powerful carotenoids and antioxidants (R) that protect the body from damage. Additionally, it provides an instant source of warmth.

To use saffron as a remedy, mix a few strands of saffron in water and apply the mixture to your chest and forehead before bed. The following day, wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this for a few days to experience relief.

cold and cough


The above compilation on treating common coughs and colds at home is based on experiences and learnings over time. Many other natural and home-based remedies offer multiple benefits. These remedies can often be used alongside antibiotics, but it’s important to consult your healthcare provider to rule out any possible allergies.

For severe conditions, always check with your family doctor. Feel free to share this information and keep contacting us—we love hearing from you!

  • May 2017
    Written by Minu Manisha
  • Feb 2025
    Edited by Lakshmi Gayatri