11 Skin Benefits Of Turmeric – Get The Natural Glow On


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skin benefits of turmeric

Getting the natural glow on isn’t the easiest task. With so many products available in the market, finding one that suits you can be a challenge. But, what if I told you that the skin benefits of turmeric isn’t folklore but actually does work. Sounds very astonishing, doesn’t it?

The therapeutic benefits of turmeric don’t need any specific introduction. It has been used in the prospect of healing and overall health benefits for quite some years now. That being said, it is beneficial that you do use it in a way that provides with results.

To help you to experience the turmeric benefits for skin, we have packed in all the information that you would need to know about the same.

Is Turmeric Good for Skin?

Is turmeric good for skinIf you are questioning whether turmeric is good for skin, you shouldn’t because it provides with amazing results in bringing out the inner glow on your face.

But, the question that many often tend to have lingering around in their minds is how the turmeric is considered a good option for any of the skin condition that you might have been struggling with.

It isn’t a surprise that the application of turmeric does more than just heal your wound when you cut or scrape your knee.

So, to answer your question, yes, turmeric is good for skin but how?

Impacts of Curcumin

In order for you to gauge a better idea about how or why turmeric is good for your skin health, you need to know about the compound present in it that makes it all possible.

The active compound in turmeric, Curcumin is what imposes the beneficial combination of the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory as well as the skin healing properties that many often tend to struggle with.

The main reason how or why Curcumin imposes the beneficial impacts in helping counterfeit the impacts of the skin disease (R) is by reducing the production and the impacts of the free radicals in the body because of the antioxidative properties that it has.

Not just that, Curcumin also imposes beneficial anti-inflammatory properties on the body which further keeps a check on the inflammatory markers that could be contributing some of the skin issues that many face consistently.

The primary way by which Curcumin is able to do so is because by the nuclear factor-KB inhibition which inhibits any kind of inflammatory markers, thus helping fasten the healing process even more.

Additionally, the same has also been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of the collagen production to promote better healing of the acne scarring and even clears up any wounds that one could be struggling with.

Benefits Of Turmeric For Skin

Benefits Of Turmeric For SkinRoughly, how many products do you use on a daily basis for your skin?

If the amount is way more than what is normal, chances are that the same can end up causing a riot not just on your skin but your monthly budget as well.

Additionally, why would you even want to opt for any artificial and chemical induced products when you can enjoy the skin benefits of turmeric?

To help you get a better knowledge and outlook on the same, we are going to share some of the best turmeric benefits for skin that you should be aware of.

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Check Out These Skin Benefits Of Turmeric That You Need To Know Of.

1. Get Rid of Acne

Get rid of acnePimples and acne are two of the skin conditions that nobody likes to experience.

Not only are they painful and gory, but they do also leave behind marks which can later turn into blemishes that no one wants to keep a track of.

If that is the case with you as well, turmeric for skin can help ward off the appearance of the acne and even fight off the blemishes on regular usage.

The main reason why it is effective is because of the fact that the active compound in turmeric, Curcumin, does have beneficial anti-inflammatory properties (R) which come in handy in keeping the condition in check.

It has also been found to control and regulate the sebum production (R) and secretion on the face, thus further controlling the acne production. It keeps the pores unclogged and thus help in preventing the acne and the kind of scarring it leaves behind as well.

2. Induces Glow From Within

Induces glow from withinYour inner skin glow can beat every blinding highlighter that you find in the market, that is a given.

Turmeric has been found to have beneficial impacts on the skin to help you with that and promote better skin health.

The primary reason why it helps is because of the fact that it is loaded with antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties (R) which can help in bringing out the inner glow like no other.

If you have been using turmeric for skin, you’d know that it also promotes collagen production and rejuvenates the skin from within which helps in bringing out the inner glow even more so.

3. Reduces the Dark Circles

Reduces the dark circles
src: www.redorbit.com

Nobody likes to carry on the evidence of their lack of sleep with the baggy and dark under eyes.

The same can often also occur because of the heightened blood flow around the eyes, thus making the area around seem a little darker than one’s natural skin tone.

If you have been struggling to get things in place for yourself with the dark circles, turmeric can come a lot in handy in lightening the appearance of the dark circles and even helping out with the baggy appearance that many often tend to have a hard time getting rid of.

Turmeric has also been found to have beneficial impacts in boosting the circulation around the eyes too to help get rid of the puffiness that many often tend to complain about.

4. Protects the Skin Against Sun Damage

Protects the skin against sun damage
src: vice.com

Sun damage is a real thing. As much as you try to avoid the fact, it is the truth. It is very important that you do keep an eye out on the proper usage of sunscreen from time to time but if the same still doesn’t work, it is best suggested that you use turmeric for the skin.

Turmeric has beneficial antioxidant properties which protect the skin from any kind of excessive damage that your skin could be undergoing.

Additionally, it has also been found to impose good benefits in healing and redness and additional damage that could be inflicted on the skin because of the impacts of the UV rays.

5. Heals Wounds and Scarring

Heals wounds and scarring
src: proactiv.com

Acne scarring isn’t a very favourable condition on its own which itself should be more than self-explanatory as to why the skin benefits of turmeric are considered so effective in the healing of the same.

For the most part, it is the antioxidative, skin healing and the anti-inflammatory properties of the turmeric which does come in handy in better healing of the condition.

The Curcumin is responsible in reducing the inflammation as well as the oxidation of the skin which results in better healing of the scarring on the skin that many often tend to complain about.

It also quickens the collagen production in the skin which further helps in quickening the pace of the healing of the scars and such that many often tend to struggle with on a regular basis.

6. Skin Whitening

Skin whitening
src: makari.com

One of the primary reasons why skin whitening is a very tedious task is because people focus on bleaching the skin and not enhancing the evenness of their skin tone which should be the primary concern.

All that said, it is very important that you do focus on evening out your skin tone rather than focusing on simply bleaching round your face to white.

Turmeric has beneficial properties which gets rid of the scarring and even the blemishes on the face which does come in handy in helping out with the condition of skin whitening by basically evening out the skin tone.

It is very important that you do focus on using the natural means for better impacts on your skin and this has been found to be one such impactful one of the lot.

7. Delays Aging

Delays aging
src: thenypost.files.wordpress.com

One of the primary reasons behind the condition of premature aging is caused because of the excess free radical damage in the body. If you have been struggling to keep things in place for yourself, turmeric can very well sort that out for you.

Given that the turmeric is loaded with antioxidative properties, the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of the free radical damage and the oxidative stress that the body is often exposed to.

If you have been struggling to keep things aligned for yourself, it is best suggested that you either enhance the consumption of the turmeric or even just apply it on the skin directly to gauge the turmeric benefits for the skin.

8. Aids better recovery from the skin diseases

Aids better recovery from the skin diseases
src: media.allure.com

The condition of psoriasis and eczema is often considered to be one of the primary reasons that do end up contributing to the condition of itching, redness and even inflammation.

Not many might be aware of this but the turmeric for skin benefits in healing such conditions very effectively, mainly because of the kind of impacts and benefits it is packed with.

Not only does it quickens the healing process, it has also been found to have beneficial impacts in helping out in the collagen production which further heals any kind of wounds that you could be struggling with.

The application of turmeric also imposes the antiseptic properties, thus preventing any risks of infection which is very probable. It also prevents and controls the flare ups and the additional symptoms that can often affect the condition even further.

9. Reduces the Appearance of the Stretch Marks

Reduces the appearance of the stretch marks
src: empowher.com

Embracing your stretch marks and living with them is part of your life. Statistics suggest that over 80% of the people around suffer from the condition of stretch marks and it is very common than people take it for.

If you have been personally struggling with this condition, it is best suggested to ensure that you do look out for the prospect of using turmeric for skin because it imposes a lot of beneficial properties.

It is very important that you keep an eye out on how you apply it because that is something that does impose a lot of impacts.

It is believed that is the beneficial antioxidative properties of the turmeric that helps it penetrate deep into the skin and cause better function of the cell membranes to help in the recovery.

This is what prevents the stretch marks in the first place. Additionally, including the olive oil and even lemon has been found to have beneficial impacts in healing the condition even more so.

10. Beneficial for Dry Skin

Beneficial for dry skin
src: netdna-ssl.com

Dry skin can be a very tough situation to handle, especially when it comes to the dry months of the year.

If you are tired of using the chemical rich compounds on your face and skin, in general, using the turmeric instead can have amazing impacts on the face.

The skin benefits of turmeric help in boosting the overall hydration level of the skin which further helps in getting rid of the condition of dry skin that many often tend to suffer and struggle with.

For the most part, it is best to add in some honey or other moisturizing compounds which will further help in boosting the quality of your skin and get rid of the dryness that many often tend to struggle with.

11. Improve Scalp Health

Improve scalp health
src: naturallycurly.com

Yet another one of the turmeric benefits for skin lies in helping with the condition of improving one’s scalp health.

Given that the scalp does undergo a lot of problems, especially the dryness around, it has been found to have beneficial impacts in getting rid of any kind of dryness and infection which is very persistent because of either dry or even oily scalp, thus inflicting the risks and problems of dandruff.

It is best suggested to ensure that you do keep an eye out on the possibilities of the condition of dry scalp and keep the scalp not just moisturized but even well maintained and groomed to prevent any further presence of the scabs on scalp.

How to use Turmeric for Skin?

How to use turmeric for skin
src: www.mostinside.com

When it comes to the various ways in which one can experience the benefit of turmeric for skin, it isn’t that tough as you would think it would be. For the most part, it has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping out with the condition of the dermatological issues that one struggles with, thus helping further in better recovery.

Every single one of the procedures that we are about to mention do have amazing impacts enhancing the appearance of the skin from within.

Let us take a look at some of the best combinations, shall we?

1. Turmeric and Honey

Turmeric and Honey
src: thealternativedaily.com

The combination of turmeric and honey has been found to boost the overall appearance of the skin and even gets rid of any kind of inflammatory reason that you could have been struggling with.

It is best suggested to ensure that you do keep an eye out on when you are applying it and how much.

You will need

  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Water (if required)

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add the turmeric powder and honey
  • Mix well and then add a little water if the mixture is too dry
  • You need a smooth and semi solid paste like consistency
  • Use it then and there
  • It is best to make fresh every time you have to apply

What it is best for?

  • Dry skin
  • Dermatological issues
  • Glowing skin

2. Coconut Oil and Turmeric

Coconut Oil and Turmeric
src: www.savynaturalista.com

The combination of the coconut oil with turmeric is amazing for skin healing and to also boost the overall health of the skin.

The coconut and turmeric both get rid of any presence of infection or even rashes on the skin and helps in quickening the recovery process.

You will need

  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp honey

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix well
  • If you find the mixture to be very dry, add some more coconut oil
  • Once the paste is made, apply it directly on the affected area on the face or the problematic areas on the skin

What it is best for?

  • Dry skin
  • Glowing skin
  • Acne and pimples
  • Scarring

3. Apple cider vinegar and turmeric

Apple cider vinegar and turmeric
src: foodpharmacy.blog

The combination of apple cider vinegar and turmeric is not very traditional but the impacts it has with the skin benefits of turmeric is way amazing than what you would normally expect.

It is very important that you do keep an eye out on the possible impacts that the apple cider vinegar has on direct application. It doesn’t suit every skin type and strip your skin dry, which is why it is best that you do a patch test before.

But, the combination is very effective and amazing when you do come to think of. It is perfect for the acne and pimple prone skin as it gets rid of the clogged pores and even helps in boosting the overall appearance of the skin.

You will need

  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

What to do?

  • Mix the turmeric and the apple cider vinegar in a bowl to make a smooth paste
  • Apply the same on the areas that need attention
  • Leave it on for a few minutes
  • Wash off with some water

What it is best for?

  • Acne and pimples
  • Clogged pores

4. Turmeric and milk paste

Turmeric and milk paste
src: www.womensok.com

The combination of the turmeric and milk has been found to have soothing benefits on the skin and help in getting rid of the rashes, redness and the inflammation that could be because of a number of skin conditions altogether.

It is always best to use cold milk for making the paste, mainly because of the fact that it further soothes the skin and doesn’t impose any kind of negative impacts on the skin, rather helps in boosting one’s skin health for the better.

You will need

  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 2 tbsp cold milk
  • 1 tbsp honey

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add all the ingredients to make a thick paste
  • Apply this as a face pack all over
  • Leave it on till it has dried out completely
  • Wash your face with some cold water

What it is best for?

  • Acne
  • Skin brightening
  • Skin glow
  • Pimples
  • Dry skin

5. Aloe vera and turmeric

Aloe vera and turmeric
src: quoracdn.net

The combination of aloe vera and turmeric is amazing for skin healing and also for boosting the overall skin health.

The main reason being the fact that the aloe vera itself is loaded with beneficial skin healing and moisturizing properties and both of these components have amazing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which gets rid of any kind of inflammation that one could be suffering from.

You will need

  • 1 tbsp of aloe vera pureed pulp
  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp honey

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add all the ingredients to make a smooth paste
  • Apply this all over the face
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off once it has dried completely

What it is best for?

  • Acne and pimples
  • Dry skin
  • Inflammation
  • Dermatological issues

6. Ubtan

src: allthingsgud.com

Ubtan is a very “desi” remedy that highlights the turmeric benefits for skin. The face pack is very predominant during weddings in India as it brings out the inner glow of the skin and even helps in getting rid of the acne and the associated problems that many often tend to struggle with.

The addition of the milk solids and even the ground gram flour has been found to have amazing impacts in helping with the problems associated with the condition of the skin brightening.

You will need

  • 2 tbsps of ground gram flour
  • 1 tsp of turmeric
  • 1 tbsp of milk solids (malai)
  • A few saffron strands
  • Cold milk

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix well
  • You want a thick paste that will apply smoothly on the face and stick on
  • Using a brush, apply the paste evenly on the face and the neck region
  • Let it stay on for 15 minutes till it has dried down
  • Wash it off with some cold water

What it is best for?

  • Acne
  • Skin glow
  • Skin brightening
  • Skin moisturisation
  • Boosting skin health

Possible risks of turmeric for skin

Possible risks of turmeric for skinIt is true that turmeric brings forth the least amount of side effects but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t impose any kind of side effects at all.

For the most part, it does bring forth side effects that you need to be assured of.

Given that turmeric is often used as a staining agent, it is important that you know that the application of the turmeric on your skin is going to end up staining the skin for a few hours and even for a day or so as well.

Additionally, it is always best to check for any signs of allergies first and then apply it on the skin to avoid further aggravating the skin.

The skin benefits of turmeric are extensive and ones that actually work. If you are tired of reaching out for the chemically enhanced creams and products for the skin, it is best suggested that you do make a healthy and natural switch instead.