11 Benefits of Vitamin C Serum for Face You Should Know About


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Vitamin C serum for face
ImageSource: www.avancefitness.com

Oranges, Lime, Lemon and so many others, we love our Vitamin Cs, donโ€™t we? While these free radical scavengers have their fair share of amazing health benefits, the trending Vitamin C serum for face is yet another amazing breakthrough that has shown impactful results with every aspect of its usage by the people.

Now, the question comes down to one, what exactly is the Vitamin C serum and why it is actually any good for you. If you are anywhere nearly well versed with the benefits of Vitamin C, youโ€™d probably already understand why this specific one is actually a very beneficial product for the overall skin health of an individual.

In this article, we are going to be shedding some light on the actual benefits of Vitamin C serum for skin and walk ourselves through the various aspects of it. So, gear up and put your saddle on because of its skin care time.

Why is Vitamin C Serum Good for Face?

Why is Vitamin C Serum Good for Face
ImageSource: www.serenityskinspa.com

Vitamin C serum is a jam-packed amazing concoction for the face and skin that helps in delaying the signs and symptoms of aging and helps boost the overall skin health which is more or less because of the vivid presence of antioxidants in the serum.

Now, you must be here thinking, how does it even work, right? Well, the main reason behind aging and the deteriorating condition of the skin is because of the increased presence of free radicals in the body which end up affecting the healthy cells in the body. Vitamin C has antioxidative properties in them which is beneficial in helping fight off these mound of free radicals in the body which is what positive impacts the overall skin health.

How to use Vitamin C serum?

How to use the Vitamin C serum
ImageSource: www.shopify.com

Much like any and every other serum, it is important to ensure that you never overdo the application of the serum on any part of the skin on the body. It is important to understand for a fact that the excess application of it on the face is not going to bring you any kind of positive results more than what the optimum amount would.

So, be rational and sparing with the usage of vitamin C serum for skin.

The application of the vitamin C serum is more or less the same for getting rid of any or every kind of skin problems, be it acne scarring or even the signs of aging, the Vitamin C serum is beneficial for all.

As said before, it is necessary to be very sparing with the usage of the Vitamin C serum on face, mainly because the excess application can have adverse effects on the face or the skin.

Make sure to do a patch test before the application of the serum on the face or any delicate part of the skin.

The steps to follow before and for the application of the Vitamin C Serum for Skin include:

  • Wash your face properly and get rid of any kind of dirt or gunk
  • Apply the vitamin C serum on the face with a cotton ball in a thin layer
  • Let it sit on the face for 4-5 minutes and then wash it off
  • Apply a moisturizer after the application is complete
  • Repeat this 1-2 times daily for better results

Alternatively, you can also mix a few drops of the Vitamin C serum in your moisturizer and apply the same on the face or anywhere on the skin for beneficial results and to protect your skin from the scorching heat of the sun.

Benefits of Vitamin C Serum for Face

Benefits of Vitamin C Serum for Face
ImageSource: www.naturopathica.com.au

In this section of the article, we are going to be discussing some of the common Vitamin C serum face benefits that you possibly donโ€™t know about should be well aware of.

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Check Out These Benefits Of Vitamin C Serum For Face.

1. Vitamin C Serum for Acne Scars

Vitamin C Serum for Acne Scars
ImageSource: www.healthline.com

Acne on the face is primarily caused because of the excess production of sebum on the face which is what ends up blocking the pores and thereby, the bacterial infestation in these clogged pores tends to aggravate the situation even further.

While the acne itself is a matter of concern, yet another factor that tends to aggravate the situation even further are the scars that they leave behind. The application of Vitamin C serum (R) not just helps in revitalizing the damaged skin because of the scarring, it also helps in getting rid of the spots left behind because of the acne mainly due to the bleaching properties that they have on the skin.

[Also Read: Get Rid of Acne Scars at Home]

2. Vitamin C Serum for Skin Whitening

Vitamin C Serum for Skin Whitening
ImageSource: www.desakabut.com

Vitamin C (R) is beneficially known for its amazing skin tone evening properties because of the presence of the bleach like properties in it. This specific serum is very effective in brightening the skin tone and also helps in evening out the appearance of the skin tone around the face which is what many people often struggle with.

Yet another amazing thing about this serum is the fact that it acts to remove any kind of scarring and blemishes on the face too which have impactful benefits in helping brighten the skin tone on the whole and make your face look flawless.

3. Vitamin C Serum for Anti-Aging

Vitamin C Serum for Anti-Aging
ImageSource: www.beautytipsteller.com

The primary and one of the most important benefits of Vitamin C serum for skin is the fact that it contributes to helping treat the signs and symptoms associated with aging (R). Aging can root from a number of reasons โ€“ the consistent stressful lifestyle being one of them.

Yet another factor that contributes to the visible signs of aging is the fact that the rise of free radicals in the body tends to adversely affect the overall healthy cells in the body. This is the primary reason why the Vitamin C serum for face is actually beneficial. Being loaded with antioxidants, it helps remove the excess presence of the free radicals in the body and fights them off to help delay the signs of aging.

4. Vitamin C Serum for Oily Skin

Vitamin C Serum for Oily Skin
ImageSource: www.epiphanydermatology.com

The Vitamin C serum is actually very beneficial in treating conditions associated with oily skin. The oily skin is mainly seen in people who have a high rate of secretion of sebum which ends of causing acne and pimples because of the clogging of the pores on the face.

The application of the serum actually helps regulate the sebum production (R) on the face which is very beneficial in ensuring the proper levels of oil on the face. This property of the serum is something that takes up quite a bit of time to actually be fruitful which is why it is important to be patient with the results because you wonโ€™t see them happening overnight.

[Also Read: Natural Treatment for Oily Skin]

5. Vitamin C Serum for Dry Skin

Vitamin C Serum for Dry Skin
ImageSource: www.ahchealthenews.com

Dry Skin is a very commonly recurring phenomenon in people of all age and demographics. It is beneficial to understand that the effects concerning dry skin can actually happen because of a number of reasons, lack of hydration and lack of moisture being the primary two.

The application of the vitamin c serum for skin is actually beneficial because it helps restore the lost hydration and moisture (R) on the face. The topical application of the Vitamin C serum helps restore the lost vitamin and nutrients on the face and gets rid off of the dehydrated skin.

6. Vitamin C Serum for Sensitive Skin

Vitamin C Serum for Sensitive Skin
ImageSource: www.shopify.com

People with sensitive skin suffer a lot on a day to day basis, primarily because of the fact that the application of any kind of product has the potential to impose adverse effects on the skin which is definitely not something favourable.

The Vitamin C serum is anything but bad for the skin, mainly because of the fact that it helps with hydrating the skin and helps induce the nutritious benefits of the amazing vitamins and minerals that we miss out on. It helps in keeping the skin healthy and also the benefits of Vitamin C serum for skin is that it helps fight off the free radicals for healthier skin and overall well being.

The only thing to do is to ensure that you donโ€™t opt for any random Vitamin C serum for the face if you have sensitive skin because of the fact that the accessory ingredients might be unsuited for your skin. Stick to popular brands and check the ingredients before you purchase. Just for the safe side, do a patch test before application.

7. Vitamin C for Hyperpigmentation

Vitamin C for Hyperpigmentation
ImageSource: www.drmedispa.com

Hyperpigmentation, otherwise known as melasma, age spots or even sunspots, are caused because of the excess secretion of the pigment melanin, under the skin.

The Vitamin C serum is beneficial in this case primarily because of the fact that it helps in undoing the excess secretion and activity of the compound Melanin. Not just that, it also has bleaching properties which is beneficial in helping get rid of the acne scarring or the other blemishes that are often visible on the face.

8. Vitamin C for Lightening Dark Spots

Vitamin C for Lightening Dark Spots
ImageSource: www.awamipolitics.com

Dark Spots can be introduced on the face because of varying reasons, the excess pigmentation, prolonged exposure to the sunlight or even the consistently poor lifestyle could be a contributing factor to the same. With all that aside, when we talk about the Vitamin C serum for face benefits, it gets rid of them all.

The mild acidic property from the ascorbic acid is what helps in lightening the appearance of the dark spots (R) on the face and simultaneously helps in getting rid of it on prolonged and consistent use of the vitamin c serum for skin.

9. Vitamin C Serum for Dark Circles

Vitamin C Serum for Dark Circles
ImageSource: www.medium.com

Yet another one of the amazing benefits of vitamin c serum for skin is the fact that it helps get rid of the unwanted dark circles (R) and puffiness from under the eyes. It helps in hydrating the under eyes and also aids in plumping the under eye area.

Not just with the restoration of the moisture and hydration, it also aids in getting rid of the darkness around the perimeter of the eyes because of the mild acidic and bleaching properties that the serum possesses.

10. Vitamin C Serum for Healing Sunburn

Vitamin C Serum for Healing Sunburn
ImageSource: www.allinahealth.org

Vitamin C serum benefits the skin because of its plethora of amazing vitamins and nutrients in it. Not just that, it helps soothe the burning sensation caused because of the sunburn.

It helps boost the regeneration of the skin and helps get rid of the dead skin. If you have been consistently complaining about the burn, make sure to throw in some aloe vera in the mix and that should provide with an even better cure for the sunburn.

11. Vitamin C Serum for Collagen Production

Vitamin C Serum for Collagen Production
ImageSource: www.cryotherapywholebody.com

Collagen makes up as one of the most important factors, or rather elements when it comes to discussing skin health. This is the proteins which is responsible for ensuring the prevention of visible lines and wrinkles on the face.

Vitamin C helps boost the production of collagen in the body which in turn, helps better the quality of the skin and prevents the lack of this essential protein in the body which is tied with the visible effects concerning the signs of aging.

Vitamin C Serum for Face Side Effects

Vitamin C Serum for Face Side Effects
ImageSource: www.agoramedia.com

Now, much like any other product or ingredient in the field of alternative medicine, even the vitamin C serum might impose some side effects on the skin on its application. While the list might not actually be that big, it is best to be aware of them, even if they are the most trivial ones to ensure that the same doesnโ€™t happen to you.

Some of the common and possible side effects of vitamin C serum include:

  • Irritation and itching
  • Redness
  • Inflammation (for sensitive skin)

These common side effects are primarily witnessed if the product contains unwanted compounds or even the kind of compounds that you might be allergic to. So, it is very important to be aware of where to buy the serum from. Always stick to well-known brands and reliable places for purchasing.

How to Make Vitamin C Serum at Home?

How to Make Vitamin C Serum at Home
ImageSource: www.beautyglimpse.com

If you are on a tight budget or you are someone who is easily allergic to a number of synthetic products but still want to test out the vitamin C serum for face, you can easily whip it up in the comfort of your own home.

It is quite an easy task to make your very own Vitamin C serum at home and this section of the article is the perfect rendition of how you can make your own DIY Vitamin C serum with a handful of ingredients and within just 10-15 minutes.

Letโ€™s start then, shall we?

Ingredients required

  • 1 tablespoon of Vitamin C powder
  • 1 tablespoon of filtered water or rose water
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel
  • ยฝ teaspoon of Vitamin E oil

Procedure involved

  1. Take a small bowl and add the Vitamin C powder to it. Add the rose water or filtered water to it and mix it everything dissolves. If the mixture requires more water to help dissolve it, add more water.
  2. Once the Vitamin C powder has completely dissolved, add the aloe vera gel followed by the Vitamin E oil into it.
  3. Pour the serum into a small spray bottle and store it in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. In this duration of time, the serum might change pH and colour but thatโ€™s completely fine and alright. Donโ€™t fret.
  4. Before applying it on the face, make sure to do a patch test to ensure that the same is not going to inflict any kind of allergic reaction or irritation on your face.

Where to Buy Vitamin C Serum for Face?

Where to But Vitamin C Serum for Face
ImageSource: www.acidohialuronico.org

Now, while we have just mentioned the DIY Vitamin Serum recipe just above this, there are going to be people who either donโ€™t have the patience or even the time to make their own serum for application. This is where you got to buy yours from outside.

Buying the Vitamin C serum for skin is not rocket science. While youโ€™ll find them in the local beauty and cosmetic shops, they are vividly available online as well which is what makes them easily accessible. The only thing to ensure while buying any form of Vitamin C serum is the fact that it is from a reputable brand and is worth the penny you are investing on it.

Food for thought with FAQs

Food for thought with FAQs

1. How much Vitamin C serum for the face?

A: As Vitamin C has the possibility of inflicting adverse impacts when used in excess because of the presence of ascorbic acid in it, it is important to ensure that you limit and use the serum very sparingly and follow the process of washing, toning, applying and moisturizing because these steps are essential when it comes to the application of this specific serum.

The Vitamin C Serum for Face is actually something that helps you get the flawless and spotless skin and face that every person wishes for. The only thing that one needs to ensure is the fact that the application is controlled and not done haphazardly or in excess, because the same can actually have negative implications on the face. From being amazing and beneficial for delaying the signs of aging to helping brighten your skin, this one serum is a good go for multiple skin problems.