Wasp Stings Treatment: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Wasp Stings


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wasp sting
Image Source: www.healthline.com

Wasp stings is a common health issue appears especially in warmer months as well as during people stay outside for a prolonged period. Even though wasp stings can be uncomfortable and may cause various problems, most of the people recover from it without any complications. Wasp stings infection can be treated with the help of some medication or applying some effective home remedies.

Here, we have tried to provide all the information about the problem of wasp stings along with its major symptoms. Read on to know more about the treatment of wasp stings along with some of the major home remedies, which you can use to treat the disease.

What is Wasp Stings?

Just like bees and hornets, wasps also carries a stinger, which is mostly used for self-defense. This stinger is filled a poisonous substance, venom and this venom is transmitted immediately in the blood of humans during a sting. Unlike bees, wasps can sting more than one time during the attack without causing any damage to the stinger.

Empty stinger of a wasp without venom can also cause significant amount of pain as well as irritation. After a sting, it can start to show various symptoms.

Some of the major symptoms of the wasp stings are listed below.

Symptoms of Wasp Sting

Symptoms of wasp sting
Image Source: www.healremedy.com

Maximum number of people show minor symptoms after a wasp sting except the people who are suffering from a wasp allergy. The initial symptom are sharp pain as well as burning sensation at area where the sting occurs. Along with this, you may also experience itching, redness as well as swelling.

The development of small welt may also take place at the area of the sting and in the welt, you might also see a white mark at the place where the stinger inserted in your skin. Generally, pain, as well as swelling, gets away after several hours of stinging. Most of the stings, if you are no allergic, can be treated at home itself. All these symptoms are known as Normal Local Reactions.

Other symptoms which are known as Large Local Reactions are the symptoms, which are largely linked to the bee or wasp sting. These symptoms usually appear in people, who are allergic to wasp stings. However, these symptoms does not show in more critical condition such as anaphylactic shock. Common symptoms in this category includes extreme pain and redness along with swelling, which may increase two or three days after being stung. Along with this, people may also experience the problem of nausea and vomiting.

Many times severe kind of wasp sting may also occur, which is referred to as anaphylaxis, which in turn can cause when body suffered a shock due to wasp venom. It is necessary to get medical attention as early as possible, while treating the condition of anaphylaxis due to wasp sting. Some of the major symptoms of the allergic reactions due to wasp sting includes,

  • Severe swelling on throat, lips and face
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Lightheadedness
  • Sudden reduction in blood pressure
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Cramps in stomach
  • Increased or weak pulse
  • Itchiness at various parts of the body

How Long Do Wasp Sting Last?

The large local reaction symptoms should go away after a week. However, consulting with your doctor is important if the symptoms still exist after 2-3 weeks. Some medication will also be provided by the doctor to reduce the intensity of the sting. Sometimes, your doctor may prescribe antihistamine medicines to reduce the discomfort caused by wasp sting.

It does not at all mean that you will be experiencing the same symptoms for the future sting attacks. It is therefore important to prevent the wasp sting to reduce the future complications as well as health issues.

How to Treat Wasp Stings?

treat wasp stings
Image Source: www.healthline.com

Applying some hydrocortisone lotions as well as calamine lotion on the affected area helps in reducing itching as well as skin irritation. You may also consume ibuprofen, which can help in reducing pain due to wasp stings. It is important to take the prescribed medicine in a given amount as it can cause side effects, which include drowsiness and stomach irritation.

Many doctors also recommend getting a tetanus dose within 2-4 days after being stung to avoid complications due to infection. It becomes even more important to take tetanus, if you have not taken a booster dose in last 10 years.
Apart from this, you may also use various home remedies to get rid of wasp stings. Some of major and effective home remedies for wasp stings are listed below.

Home Remedies for Wasp Stings

1. Baking soda

Baking soda is helpful in neutralizing the venom due to its alkaline properties. This also helpful in providing quick relief from pain, itching as well as swelling.

  • Make paste by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda in little amount of water.
  • Apply this paste on the site of sting for 5-10 minutes.
  • With the help of lukewarm water, wash the area properly.
  • You can repeat the procedure if the discomfort still exist.

2. Ice

Applying some ice compress on the affected area can also be helpful in providing relief from the symptoms of wasp sting. Cold temperature also helps in reducing the swelling and numbing the pain.

  • In a thin washcloth, put some ice and tie it.
  • Now hold this pack on the area of wasp sting for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Use this compress until the pain and swelling goes away.
  • Avoid putting ice directly on the skin as it may cause the problem of frostbite.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is helpful in neutralizing all the acid in the venom. This is helpful in reducing all the itching, swelling as well as pain.

  • Take raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar○ Now take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar
  • Hold the soaked cotton ball on the affected area for at least 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat the process if needed.
  • You may also use white vinegar if apple cider vinegar is not available.