14 Ways To Increase Body Temperature For Optimum Health


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14 Ways To Increase Body Temperature

Have you ever wondered why a simple chill leaves you feeling exhausted? Your body temperature is the silent protector of your general health and is more than simply a number. It guarantees that every one of your internal systems—from your heartbeat to the firing of your neurons—operates like a well-tuned orchestra.

However, your body sends out alarm signs when this delicate equilibrium fails, even a little. These indications include decreased immunity, susceptibility to infections, and chronic weariness.

Low body temperature is your body’s emergency signal and goes beyond simply feeling cold. Common reasons include long-term exposure to cold surroundings, underlying medical disorders, or even poor nutrition. Time may affect your metabolism, making even routine chores seem like running a race.

This article will provide 14 easy yet effective ways to help you recover warmth and increase your vitality.

Also Read: 18 Ways To Stay Healthy This Winter – Align Your Focus!

What is Hypothermia?

What is Hypothermia

Hypothermia sets in when your core body temperature falls below 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius). It’s an urgent medical situation. Hypothermia results from the body losing heat more quickly than it can generate it. A normal body temperature is approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius).

Your body and brain cannot operate correctly when your body temperature is dangerously low. Hypothermia can cause cardiac arrest, which is when your heart stops beating, and perhaps death if you don’t get help.

Causes of Low Body Temperature

Hypothermia develops after exposure to cold, damp, or windy environments. When exposed to chilly temperatures, your body uses energy to stay warm. However, as a result of prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, your body eventually expends its stored energy and starts to cool down. You can’t get yourself warm again. With continued exposure, the symptoms will worsen from mild to severe.

Although the majority of hypothermia cases occur in extremely cold temperatures, the illness can still strike in temperatures as low as 40 F (4.4 C) if you are chilled by sweating, rain, or being in cold water. Hypothermia results when a person’s body loses more heat than it produces due to environmental factors like wind, cool/cold temperatures, or moisture.

Symptoms Of Low Body Temperature

When the temperature begins to drop, the body may start to shiver. The body tries to warm itself by shivering and automatically protects against chilly temperatures.

Hypothermia symptoms include:

  • Shivering
  • Slurred or mumbled words
  • Shallow, slow breathing
  • Weak heartbeat
  • Awkwardness or inability to coordinate
  • Fatigue or extremely low vitality
  • Loss of memory or confusion
  • Unconsciousness
  • Chilly, bright red skin in babies

Take the person’s temperature using a thermometer to see if they are experiencing hypothermia. If left untreated, a body temperature below 95°F (35°C) is a medical emergency that can be lethal. Make an emergency call if the patient exhibits signs of hypothermia and a temperature cannot be taken.

How to Increase Low Body Temperature?

When it comes to increasing body temperature, the process is not easy but necessary. Here, we will share some practical ways to help raise low body temperature naturally.

1. Keep Moving

Keep Moving

The secret is to keep moving, whether you have to work outside or need to get some fresh air. Focus on keeping your circulation flowing. Walking can prevent your body temperature from decreasing.

Reduce the tempo and speed as much as possible in extreme cold conditions. Extreme temperatures can impair coordination and raise the risk of injury when you walk outside.

2. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

The heat from cayenne pepper helps increase core body temperature if you suffer from hypothermia. The active compound in cayenne pepper, Capsaicin, helps boost blood circulation, thus helping to raise the body temperature.

Eating cayenne pepper boosts the body’s digestive functions as well, thus making you feel hot and sweaty, which in turn boosts the body’s temperature.

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3. Placing Your Palms Under Your Arms

Placing Your Palms Under Your Arms

The first parts of your body to feel the effects of cold are often your fingers and toes, as they are more exposed and have less blood flow during colder temperatures. Interestingly, your armpits are a natural source of warmth due to their proximity to your body’s core and major blood vessels.

Placing your hands under your armpits is an effective way to transfer this heat to your fingers. This helps warm them quickly while retaining essential body heat to stay comfortable.

4. Soup


Like tea or coffee, soup is a great way to warm your body. In colder weather, the soup’s high temperature increases your body’s internal temperature while you eat it. Soups that are high in nutrients can also help you stay healthy, which makes them a convenient and healthy choice.

5. Exercise


Exercising is one of the easiest ways to warm your body. Exercise raises the temperature of your muscles, which warms up your entire body.

Since muscles produce so much energy, they make the most heat. According to a study published in the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, runners’ legs generate more heat than their arms. This is because when you run, your legs perform most of the work, with the arms contributing little.

6. Coffee


Hot coffee can work wonders for your body when you’re looking for ways to increase your core temperature. The warming effect isn’t just due to the drink’s heat but mainly due to the caffeine.

Studies suggest that caffeine boosts metabolism by stimulating the release of fatty acids from your body’s fat reserves. This process effectively raises your core body temperature. One study found that consuming a hot beverage caused an average increase in body temperature of 2.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Also Read: 15 Ways To Boost Metabolism – Science-Backed Hacks

7. Have a Warm Bath

Have a Warm Bath

Taking a bath, or hydro-immersion therapy, is a rapid approach to increasing your body temperature. A bath that covers your chest has been shown to raise your core temperature, even though a shower can also assist in warming your body. Also, bathing before bed may help you sleep better and lower your blood pressure.

8. Bananas


Bananas are a wintertime favorite because they are a significant source of B vitamins and magnesium. These nutrients support the healthy operation of your adrenal glands and thyroid, which control body temperature. Bananas can be added to porridge for breakfast or eaten as a snack in the afternoon with almond butter.

Studies also indicate that bananas can improve mood and memory, which may help you fight winter blues. Because they are inexpensive and convenient to eat, bananas are among the meals that raise body temperature even while you’re on the go.

9. Gain Weight

Gain Weight

Yet another essential factor to keep in mind is to work up your weight if you are too thin. You technically won’t even realize it, but if your body lacks the insulation of fat and muscle, chances are you will be more prone to feeling cold at any time of the day or year.

The best way to combat that is by healthily gaining weight. Start by consuming a healthy and nutritious diet and ensuring you indulge in exercises that help boost muscle production.

Also Read: How To Reduce Body Heat? 20 Natural Ways To Combat Heat Stress

10. Complex Carbohydrates

Complex Carbohydrates

Compared to processed foods like white bread or junk food, whole grains and complex carbohydrates require more energy to digest. Because the body takes longer to digest them, complex carbohydrates may raise your body temperature while providing the extra advantage of satisfaction or feeling fuller for longer. Following a meal high in carbohydrates, thermogenesis rises, according to research published in nutrition.

However, this does not mean you can overindulge in starchy meals. Keep in mind that not all carbs are created equal.

11. Red Meat or Other Foods High in Iron

Red Meat or Other Foods High in Iron

Do your hands and feet become cold quickly? It can indicate anemia or an iron shortage. Iron aids in the body’s circulation of oxygen-rich blood. You can always feel exhausted and chilly if you don’t have enough.

Your body may be unable to absorb iron because of an autoimmune disease, or you may not eat enough foods high in iron. If the latter, eating more iron-rich foods may help you feel warmer. Consult your physician to learn more.

12. Cumin


Cumin is a mild substitute for more potent spices like chili or pepper. In contrast to these spicy choices, cumin warms you up gradually without causing excessive perspiration. Because of its gentle yet efficient warming qualities, it is an excellent addition to your meals, particularly during winter.

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13. Ginger


According to a study published in the Journal of Metabolism, ginger is a healthful spice that increases your body’s thermogenesis. This root crop also helps digestion, prevents inflammation, and reduces hunger.

To raise body temperature, add ginger to dishes like soups and entrees. Another option is to sip ginger tea with honey. Hot ginger tea is the ideal beverage for a chilly day because it works as a diaphoretic to keep your body warm from the inside out.

14. Garlic


Much like ginger, garlic has been found to help increase core body temperature. It might technically not be the “warming spice,” but it helps boost the body’s overall blood circulation, thus further helping boost the body’s temperature.

You can easily add garlic to any dish you prefer, and it will effectively get the job done without any issues.

Side Effects of Low Body Temperature

Beyond the apparent symptoms, low body temperature can have several detrimental impacts on the body.

  • It can hinder the healthy operation of essential organs, a serious issue requiring immediate medical attention.
  • Long-term low body temperature can impair general body functions by causing numbness.

Treating low body temperature as soon as possible is critical to avoid more health issues.

Speaking with a Medical Expert

Sometimes, feeling chilly is your body’s way of telling you that something might be wrong, not merely a weather feature. If low body temperature continues even after you’ve taken every precaution to stay warm, you must address it as a warning indicator. With a highly calibrated system, your body’s thermostat may be out of balance due to underlying medical issues.

Conditions like anemia, where the blood fails to supply tissues with adequate oxygen, may reduce the body’s vitality and warmth. These problems affect general health in addition to comfort.

Seeking medical advice is a proactive step toward the understanding and solution, not merely a precaution. Equipped with diagnostic instruments and knowledge, your physician can identify the underlying cause and direct you toward focused therapies that restore equilibrium.


These 14 techniques are your go-to tools for regulating body temperature. By incorporating these activities into your daily routine, you can strengthen the body’s immunity, metabolism, and general vitality and protect yourself from the discomfort of continuous cold.

A stable body temperature has several long-term advantages beyond just being warm. It’s about improving your quality of life, building resilience, and ensuring your body functions at its best. Small improvements made today might result in a healthier, more energetic tomorrow.

  • May 2019
    Written by Somapika D
  • Jan 2025
    Edited by Ankita Sethy