14 Ways To Make Your Period End Faster – Cut Down The Days!


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was to make your period end faster

So, you have a trip planned out with your friends but you can witness your other period falling in the similar days of the month.

Sounds like something many of us have experienced, right?

But, on the bright side, there are a number of ways to make your period end faster that you can check out.

If you have been struggling with extensive days of the menstrual cycle and want to cut it out, we would suggest that you do focus on opting for the natural ways to seize the cycle quicker.

In here, we are going to share some of the best answers on how to make your period end faster.

Is it Possible to Make Your Period End Faster?

Is it possible to make your period end fasterIf you didn’t think it was possible, it actually is. You can end your period sooner and that too with a number of natural methods.

The only thing that you need to keep in mind is to ensure that you stop the process if you end up experiencing any kind of side effects.

Nobody wants to compromise their plans and instead what to look for alternatives that would help cut down the duration of the period short.

How to Make Your Period End Faster?

How to make your period end fasterAs we did mention, there are a number of ways to shorten your period once it starts. It is important that you always consult a doctor if you are taking any kind of supplements or medication because those tend to have side effects which you need to be aware of.

Some of the best natural ways to shorten your period include:

1. Opt for Hormonal Birth Control

Opt for hormonal birth control

When it comes to the ways to make your period end faster, we would suggest that you do focus on opting for hormonal birth control which has been found to have promising benefits. While the oral variants and the injections are used for regulating the menstrual cycle, the hormonal birth control pills have been found to help reduce the days of the cycle.

The hormonal birth control (R) has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping reduce the cramping as well. The only issue with this is the fact that it doesn’t provide with an instantaneous result. If you want to shorten the periods, you need to take them over a consistent time period to later experience the benefits.

These pills are only available with prescriptions, so you do need to see a doctor and get the prescription written first.

2. Exercise

ExerciseIt is a complete myth if you think that working out during periods is not suggested. It is quite the opposite actually.

Indulging in healthy and lightweight cardio routines (R) and exercises have been found to have amazing benefits in reducing the extensive periods and cramps that you might be experiencing.

Not just that, exercising also helps with the release of the endorphins which keep you in a happy mood.

The reason why working out is considered an effective way to shorten the period is because it helps strengthen the muscles which in turn have direct impacts in making the menstrual cycle a lot quicker.

3. Integrate More Vitamin C into the Diet

Integrate more Vitamin C into the dietIf you want to reduce the duration of the periods and make the cycle shorter, banking up on the Vitamin C can help with it.

A few studies (R) conducted have found that the more amount of Vitamin C in the body has direct impacts on the overall progesterone levels in the body which helps in regulating the shedding of the uterine wall, making it quicker.

This is one of the many reasons why Vitamin C is so effective in getting rid of the period cycle so faster. But, there are side effects too and consuming too much of Vitamin C is also not the best idea for your health, which is why you need to drink enough water to compensate.

4. Opt for Raspberry Leaf Tea

Opt for raspberry leaf tea

Yet another one of the amazing ways to help end your period sooner is by drinking some raspberry tea. Not only does the raspberry tea help with the excessive flow and the cramps, it has been found to help reduce the days of the cycle too.

The active compound in the raspberry tea, fragarine (R) is an alkaloid which has potent benefits in helping tone and strengthens the pelvic muscles for a better period cycle.

Not just that, the antioxidants and the tannins present in the tea also help in boosting the uterine health, further promoting a seamless menstrual cycle without any discomfort.

5. Maca Root

Maca root

Yet another one of the best natural ways to shorten your period is with maca root.

Unregulated hormonal levels are the common reason behind the irregular period cycles. Maca root has been found to be quite beneficial in helping regulate the hormonal balance in the body, thus helping reduce the risks of extended period days.

It also saliently regulates the functions of pituitary and hypothalamus, further helping in reducing the duration of the period effectively.

It is also helpful in reducing unnecessary cramps and discomfort. Consult a doctor to get the prescription for the supplements.

6. Indulge in Intercourse

Indulge in intercourseAs weird as it sounds, having sex is one of the best ways to shorten your period. It is not folklore and actually does help alleviate the symptoms that you are experiencing with your periods. If you aren’t that grossed out by the thought of blood, this can be a good way to reduce the duration of your menstrual cycle.

Intercourse helps (R) in boosting the blood flow to the genitals which helps relieve the cramps that many experiences during their periods.

It is a hit or miss among couples because not everyone is that okay with the thought of blood. To avoid any mess, you can use a condom.

7. Focus on Your Weight

Focus on your weightIf you do want better results to shorten your period, we would suggest that you focus on your weight. Even this is not an instantaneous result but having a healthy weight is associated with shorter and healthier periods which are exactly what you need.

Obesity enhances the risks of a number of health issues in the body which is why focusing on your weight is a necessity if you want regular and shortened periods.

Obese women have the tendency to experience heavy and irregular flow (R) during their cycle. The same is because of the enhanced amount of estrogen levels released from the fat cells in the body.

The best way to keep the duration shortened and the flow controlled is by ensuring that you work on losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight.

8. Avoid Tampons

Avoid tamponsIf you want to find answers on how to shorten your period once it starts, we would suggest that you avoid tampons altogether.

Menstrual blood is programmed to flow downwards as per the rule of gravity, tampons hinder with the said process, extending the duration more than it should.

This is especially important for those months when you are trying to speed things up a bit. It is important that you either switch to a sanitary pad or a menstrual cup for that month to end the period early.

9. Drink More Water

Drink more waterYou wouldn’t believe this but one of the most common ways to make your period end faster is by drinking more water.

Even though there are not many conclusive studies that provide answers as to how it shortens the periods, but it has been found that drinking the optimal amount of water on a daily basis during the periods can actually help shorten the duration.

Dehydration is also related to the increased release of vasopressin which enhances the menstrual cramps and makes your period pains excruciating.

10. Green Beans

Green beansIf you are surprised, don’t be, because it actually does help. The fiber and the combination of the Vitamin E in the green bean has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping reduce the risks of period cramps as well as the discomfort that you might be experiencing.

Apart from green beans, several other vegetables like kale, spinach etc. has also been found to have beneficial impacts in reducing the discomfort and shortening the duration as well.

11. Myrtle Fruit Syrup

Myrtle fruit syrup

If you didn’t know any better, myrtle fruit is yet another one of the best ways to shorten your period without exerting any negative impacts on your health.

In one of the conducted studies (R), the women who consume 15 ml of the myrtle fruit syrup experienced a reduced number of days in their period, thus helping keep an eye out on the same.

Since this is a natural herb remedy, it is very important that you focus on the number of side effects that are likely going to occur. Consult a doctor first before you take the step ahead with this one.

12. Alcohol

AlcoholAs weird as this might sound, drinking alcohol is touted as one of the best ways to make your period end faster.

Even though there are not many studies to prove how this happens or is effective, it does have instantaneous benefits and prevents you from worrying about things happening.

The consumption of red wine specifically has been found to have beneficial impacts, helping thin out the blood, thus helping prevent the heavy flow.

13. Spicy Food

Spicy foodYet another one of the natural ways to shorten your period is by consuming extremely spicy food. Even though it might not sit well with your body and digestion, it heats up the body simultaneously, thus helping increase the blood circulation.

The heat in the body enhances the blood flow as well, further helping reduce the risks associated with the shortening of the period.

14. Ibuprofen

IbuprofenConsumption of an anti-inflammatory over the counter drug, ibuprofen has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping end your period sooner.

Consumption of the ibuprofen dosage 2-3 times in a day has been found to reduce the period flow by 50%.

In addition to that, it also reduces the secretion of prostaglandins which further help in preventing the cramps and the constant discomfort that you might be experiencing. It also helps reduce the uterine contractions which could be creating cramps.

If you have been on the lookout for some of the effective ways to make your period end faster, we would suggest that you do opt for these effective natural ways that we have mentioned. Make sure to not go overboard with any around because that does have the tenacity to end up impacting your health.