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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersDo you often find yourself unable to keep your hands static? While you might forego the same as a slight nervous issue in the beginning, the same isn’t as straight of a condition as you are thinking it to be. Finding ways to stop shaking hands can actually impact your life for the better and prevent you to from suffering from a hampered quality of life.
If you have been experiencing the tremors quite persistently, chances are that you need to make some changes in your lifestyle that won’t end up affecting your overall well being.
In here, we are about to suggest some of the best ways to prevent tremors that will bring your life back to normal without any issues whatsoever.
What actually are hand tremors?

For the most part, hand tremors are characterized by the sudden involuntary movements in the hand which makes it shake incessantly.
While the condition doesn’t impose any kind of threat to one’s life, it does have possible impacts on one’s quality of life which is why it is important that you do focus on getting to the cause of the condition and find better ways to handle this effectively.
Why are my hands shaking?

It is wrong of people to assume that the condition of shaky hands is only evident in people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease or even because of the condition of the basic nervous issues because that is not always the case.
There are a number of possible reasons that could be behind the condition of the hand tremors that you have been experiencing.
To help you get a better idea on finding ways to stop shaking hands, you need to ensure that you know what is exactly causing it in the first place.
Some of the possible causes behind the condition of hand tremors include:
1.Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition which is characterized by the inflicted the damage caused to some of the pathways involved in the central nervous system which is associated with the movement. The same has been found to have impacts on inducing hand tremors effectively.
2.Sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep does have impacts in enhancing the natural tremor in the body, thus contributing to shaky hands that you have been experiencing. If you have been living on less sleep, it is best suggested to ensure that you do focus on getting some proper sleep to get over the condition effectively.
Read: 7 Reasons Sleeping On Your Stomach Is Bad – Know The Side Effects
3.Ischemic stroke

If you didn’t know, an ischemic stroke is a condition which is characterized by the tremors in the hand and the other parts of the body when a clot in the artery end up blocking the seamless blood flow to the brain, thus ending up causing a stroke.
4.Excess caffeine, nicotine or drugs
Much like how you are tired quite so often, even the excess caffeine in the body can end up causing issues with the normal physiological functions, inducing tremors like no other. It is important that you do focus on keeping a track of how much caffeine and drugs you are indulging in because the same can be a possible cause behind the shaky hands.
5.Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is one of the possible causes behind the unintentional hand tremors that you might be experiencing. Owing to the fact that it does have negative impacts all the more, it is best suggested to ensure that you take the condition to the doctor and find better ways to make effective changes to your life. Shaking and tremors on one side of the body is very common.
6.Side effects of medication
There are several available medications which come with its fair share of side effects and hand tremors and shaking is often one of the most common side effects that one can experience. The drug induced tremors can be because of the anti-seizure medications or even for the asthma and other types of medicines that you have been taking.
7.Movement disorders

There are primarily two types of movement disorders – essential tremor and dystonic tremor. The essential tremor is one of the most common types of hand tremor and does impact both the sides of the body. For the most part, genetic issues are considered as one of the most common reasons behind this condition. Dystonia, on the other hand, is the condition in which the brain ends sending wrong messages to the motor muscles, thus ending up causing issues with the tremors.
Anxiety is yet another one of the common cause behind the condition of shay hands, mainly because of the fact that the same ends up making it hard for people to keep their focus aligned. It is important that you do focus on your breathing and ensure that the same doesn’t end up disrupting your normal life work.
Read: 15 Ways To Deal With Crippling Anxiety – Fight Back!
Depression is yet another possible cause behind the condition of hand tremors that could be causing the problem all the more. Even though it is still not clear as to why it happens, it is believed that the same can even make it harder for you to handle the condition altogether.
Symptoms of tremors

When it comes to the symptoms of hand tremors, the same isn’t necessarily subjected to a wide range of symptoms.
Apart from the signs of the shaky hands, you might also end up experiencing inconclusiveness in your thoughts if the same is causes because of the psychogenic reasons.
It is thus important to ensure that you do keep your focus peeled onto what is actually the problem to finally find ways to stop shaking hands.
How to diagnose tremors?
Diagnosis of the hand tremors are all dependent on the kind of symptoms that one has been experiencing. If you have been experiencing the shaky hands and tremors very persistently, that is where the problem stems from.
It is not normal for someone to persistently experience the tremors which are when you need to find ways to prevent tremors and consulting a doctor is the best way to go about with it.
How to stop hand tremors?
When it comes to treating shaking hands, there are a number of ways you can treat it. The only thing that one needs to keep an eye out on is to ensure that you don’t end up going overboard.
First, identify the causes of shaky hands and you can opt for the treatment tactic accordingly.
To help you get a better outlook on the same, we are here to sort you out with some of the best ways of stop shaking hands.
1.Get some proper sleep first
Given that we did mention that the lack of sleep can be a possible reason behind the condition of hand tremors, it is important that you pay close attention to the amount of sleep that you are getting on a daily basis.
Getting proper and optimal amount of sleep on a daily basis, which is around 8-9 hours in a day, is very important to ensure that you don’t end up crashing or experiencing the signs and symptoms of shaky hands.
Proper sleep and a well rested well being is important when it comes to the treatment for hand tremors. This keeps your mind in check and helps ensure that you don’t end up struggling with the problems associated with the discomfort and affected quality of life one experiences because of the hand tremors.
Read: What Happens If You Sleep 6 Hours A Day? Know The Side Effects!
2.Try meditation
Owing to the fact that several of the psychogenic reasons are behind the condition of the hand tremors, it is not surprising that majority of the experts suggest to opt for meditation because the same does have beneficial impacts in helping out when it comes to how to stop tremors in the hands.
Practicing meditation and mindfulness has been found to have amazing impacts in helping out with the condition of the shaky hands that you might have been experiencing around.
It is always best suggested to ensure that you do this on a regular basis to build a habit because that is what helps in keeping the signs and symptoms in check.
If possible, practice the breathing exercises through the process as well for better impacts in handling the signs and symptoms of hand tremors.
3.Avoid alcohol and drugs
You wouldn’t technically know or understand this but the combination of alcohol and drugs is often one of the worst causes of shaky hands.
If you are finding yourself in a middle of substance abuse, it is very important to ensure that you do take the time out to first distance yourself from this problem and then find healthier ways to fight through the problem effectively.
Often times, when you stop using these substances after being addicted to them, you are bound to experience tremors and unnecessary shaking of the hands.
It is thus always best suggested to ensure that you find better alternatives and make healthier switches in life to get over the problem altogether.
4.Opt for occupational therapy

For those who aren’t aware, occupational therapy is an effective mode of treatment with trained professionals to get your tremor in check and even find ways to fight through the problems and lead an adjustable and happy life through the process.
It is often hard to find occupational therapists around every corner of the country which is why it is very important that you do focus on first finding a place that provides with this treatment and then make better choices to get over the problem effectively.
It is very important that you do follow through the treatment process and don’t end up abandoning it half way through.
5.Breathing exercises
Physical exercises to prevent hand tremors aren’t that effective, to be honest. There are hardly any effective type of exercise that has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping avert the condition of the hand tremors.
But, if you are on the lookout for ways to stop shaking hands, the best way to do so is to ensure that you opt for the breathing exercises. They have actually been found to have amazing impacts in helping with the condition of tremors and the anxiety that you could be feeling.
If your hand tremors and shakes are induced by the condition of anxiety or even depression, it is best suggested to ensure that you do indulge in the breathing practices.
All you need to do is take a deep breath in and then breathe out gradually. Do this for a few minutes straight and the same should come in handy for you to help you through the problems of shaky hands effectively.
Read: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation
6.Eat better nutritious foods
Yet another one of the important factors that you do need to look out for when treating shaking hands is to ensure that you do indulge in eating a healthy diet. It might not seem like much but owing to the fact that a nutritious meal can boost the overall well being of an individual, it is not surprising that the same does help with the shaking hands too.
It is very important that you adhere to better intake of vitamins, minerals to ensure that you boost your overall nervous and brain function effectively. This is what has been found to have amazing impacts in helping with the condition of overall better health and getting rid of the struggles that one face with the condition of tremors.
Include more fruits, vegetables and healthy fats in your diet because the same can actually help you.
7.Stop smoking
It actually might not seem like a lot but when you are looking into the ways to stop shaking hands; you will find that quitting smoking is actually one of the most important influencing factors in this.
It is very important that you do get rid of the habit of smoking and instead switch it up with something that you are effectively going to cherish around in your life.
It is very important to ensure that you do take notes of the ways that can help you with quitting smoking because you can’t go cold turkey with it. That is not how it necessarily works.
Smoking has been found to impact not just the lungs but the overall functioning of the nervous system as well which can induce the tremors that you have been experiencing quite recently.
This is why it is best suggested to give up this habit in order to lead a healthier life.
8.Consult a doctor
Consulting a doctor can be an amazing step for effective treatment for hand tremors. The main reason behind the same is because of the fact that the doctors can provide with a better prognosis for the condition all the more.
It is very important to ensure that you do take the time out to handle the situation in a better way and follow through the schedule and the kind of strict medications and diet that the doctor suggests you with.
This might not necessarily seem like much but it can most definitely help you out a lot in helping better the condition through the time. Follow through the causes with your doctor and find better ways to handle the situation as well.
Read: How To Prepare For Doctor Appointment? 12 Things To Avoid Prior!
How to prevent hand tremors?
It might not seem like a lot but the ways to prevent tremors is always better than to find cures for it. Even though the condition isn’t necessarily life threatening, it is very important to ensure that you do indulge in finding better ways to prevent the condition of shaky hands.
Let us walk you through some of the best ones, shall we?
- Maintain an active lifestyle
- Ensure that you follow a balanced diet
- Indulge in consulting a doctor for a regular check up every now and then
- Make lifestyle changes
- Give up habits relating to substance abuse and alcohol
Finding some of the ways to stop shaking hands can be a tough nut because there are varying causes behind the same. It is important that you trace the cause first and then opt for the methods of treatment. It might not necessarily seem like a lot but it can definitely help you with a very quick recovery all the way.
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