What are the Differences between Cold and Flu


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Differences between Cold and Flu

Cold and flu may be said to be the most notorious of maladies which unsettles the daily routine of the population, while also keeping the doctors of the town with their hands full. The kids miss school. They in fact miss out on anything outdoors, that is only if they are still in the habit of going outdoors. Otherwise, they might as well be binging on the spare smart phone lying around in the house, contended with their runny nose and sore throat, happy to evade home work. Profession on the other hand is not the same thing as education. A day at work, while the flu bug is upon you, is sure be quite the nightmare, right under sunshine. Modern workplaces more often than not require a centrally air conditioned environment. Life in a capsule, if you may call it to be. This may only mean that all the germs and infections, collected from the entire capsule is recirculated back into to. Nazi gas chambers any one. It is like trying to fill a puddle drop by drop. Only the drops fall thick and fast.

Cold and flu may often be mistaken to be the same thing, or one could be taken for the other. They are pretty much individual diseases, with certain symptoms which share common perimeters and ground. Both may be categorized, predominantly as ailments of the respiratory tract. Although the viruses bringing about the maladies are pretty much distinct in their individual characteristics. In this publication, we present to you a concise discussion, as to what are the differences between cold and flu.

How Cold and Flu Viruses Differ

1The Common Cold

    • The stubborn common cold as we know it, and which we cannot do away with, unless it has run through its usual course. The stubborn common cold may be caused by a large number of viruses.The rhinovirus been the most common.
    • The specific virus is known to thrive in between conditions of 33 to 35 degree centigrade. Which is generally the ambient conditions withing the nose of a human being. There are close to a 100 types of rhinovirus which, effects the human system. These viruses differ in their surface protein content, which is called serotypes. These viruses moreover, are recuperative in nature and are also among the smallest viruses known to exist, with diameters of around 30 nanometers. Other viruses, such as small pox and vaccinia in comparison are almost ten times larger with diameters of 300 nanometers.
  • The virus is highly contagious, and may spread through contact. A general level of hygiene is advised to avoid contraction of the common cold virus. Moreover you would not want to touch your mouth and nose with unwashed hands, specially during the monsoons.


    • The onset of flu is brought about by the influenza virus. The entire respiratory tract from the nose to the lungs is effected by the virus. The particular virus is even more contagious than the rhinovirus and may be contracted on touch, as well as over short distances.
  • The types of influenza, which are harmful for humans are categorized into types A, B and C. Hygiene is the ultimate precaution in case of the flu, as it is in the case of cold. An annual flu vaccination is administered to the citizens in certain countries, to ensure their well being.

Also Read: Types of Flu

3Difference in Symptoms

    • The symptoms are overtly similar for both cold and flu. In case of cold you may experience a sore throat, runny nose, congestion in the sinuses, which sometimes may lead to breathing troubles.
  • Flu often brings about more severe symptoms. The patient usually runs temperatures in excess of 100 degrees F. The inflammation in the throat is spread across the bronchial tracts. Hence the feeling of congestion is way worse, when compared to the common cold. As is common with influenza, it brings about menacing aches in the muscles and the head. The presence of an incessant cough is a common occurrence.

4Difference of Treatment

A number of antiviral medications are available for the cure of the influenza virus. While in the case of the common cold, mankind has been still unable to narrow down upon a successful cure. The virus got to run its course. Some over the counter treatments may be available in the form of decongestants and pain relievers, which may ease the symptoms somewhat. Hydration and rest are of umpteen importance for the cure.

5Natural Remedies

Below we mention some natural remedies

    • Garlic, rich in allicin strengthens the immune system, and thus prevents the contraction of the common cold.
    • Organic honey, is said to have anti bacterial and anti viral properties, and thus may be helpful in shortening the span of the infection.
    • Green tea is an effective home remedy
    • Licorice is known to be a natural alleviant for congested sinuses and sore throat.
  • Citrus fruits and peppers are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system.

By Abhro