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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersYoga is one of the most effective approaches for holistic healing. Not only does it help impact one’s physical well being, it is also quite effective in healing you from within. If you are looking up yoga for brain power, the best way to go about with it is by committing to doing them whenever needed.
The thing about yoga is the fact that one needs to do it on a daily basis to actually be able to draw the beneficial results from it. If you start with your yoga and abandon it halfway through the process, chances are that you are going to end up experiencing little to no benefits off of it.
In here, we are going to be walking ourselves through the various prospects of yoga poses for increasing brain power effectively.
Yoga Poses for Brain Power
As mentioned before, yoga is beneficial for one’s overall mental well being much like its physical well being as well.
There are varying types of yoga to increase brain power that you can do to get the best of results from it.
Some of them include:
1. Padmasana

Padmasana is amazing for not just impacting your mind but brings about positive changes in your body too. The meditative state is quite beneficial in getting rid of the stress and bringing peace of mind.
This collaboratively is quite helpful in calming your mind and boosting the overall brain power. It is also believed that this yoga pose impacts and activates the various chakras in the body which help in boosting the overall awareness of the body.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how its done.

Make sure to avoid doing this yoga on an empty stomach and try and do it in the morning when you have consumed some pre-breakfast drink or snacks.
2. Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama is a very popular improving concentration and fixing your memory as well for the better. If you have been surrounded around in a constant chaos the entire day, the humming sound made like a bee can actually bring down the stress levels and help you calm down and thus boosting your overall brain function simultaneously.
It is very effective in wiping out all and every form of negative happenstance cowering your mental and physical well being. When it comes to talking about the yoga poses for brain power, this one is actually quite beneficial for the brain and its functioning.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

When it comes to precautions while doing this asana, it is always best suggested to perform this one after you are done with Anulom Vilom. Experts also suggest to not pressing on the ear cartilage more than what is necessary because it can inflict negative impacts on the body.
3. Vajrasana

Also often known as the Diamond Pose, Vajrasana is quite an effective yoga for brain power. This is primarily a form of kneeling exercise and for the most part, people tend to perform accompanying breathing exercises along with it.
The very first benefit of doing this yoga is the fact that it helps in boosting the overall digestion of the body and prevents signs of constipation altogether. When you have proper gut function and have proper digestion, it is quite effective in boosting the overall digestion in the body.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

When it comes to the precautions for Vajrasana, it is best suggested to avoid doing it in an empty stomach and should be done after one is done with their meals. It is always best suggested to avoid doing this if you have a bad knee or pain around the ankles and the abdominal region of the body.
4. Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana is yet another one of the effective asanas one can perform to get peace of mind altogether. Owing to the fact that this yoga pose is necessarily tough to do, it is not surprising that not many people can get it right on their first few attempts.
It is necessary to ensure that you take necessary caution before delving into doing this yoga to increase brain power. This is predominantly amazing for people who have a very sedentary lifestyle. The stretch of the spine is actually quite beneficial in relieving the tension from the back and also relieves the accompanying stress altogether.
Not just that, it is also beneficial in boosting the overall blood supply in the body and gets rid of the lingering stress that often does impact the overall brain power and functioning in the body.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

For some precautionary measures, it is always best suggested to avoid doing this yoga pose altogether if you have severe back pains and injuries around in the back and spine. People suffering from diarrhea should also avoid doing it whatever the situation be. The most important precautionary step to take is to ensure that you don’t overstrain your body while doing this. Bend till the point that’s comfortable for you.
5. Ardha Matsyendrasana

The Ardha Matsyendrasana is primarily a half spinal twist that can be done in a varying number of ways. People who practice this asana during the early morning have been found to have beneficial impacts in boosting the overall bowel movement and also improve any kind of stiffness around in the back.
Apart from it, it is also believed to have beneficial impacts in detoxifying the blood and also boosting the overall blood circulation throughout the body. Owing to this, it also helps boost the overall oxygen availability in the body as well. With the combined benefits of the two, it has been found beneficial in effectively boosting one’s brain health as well.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

Any women who is pregnant or is menstruating should definitely avoid doing this owing to the fact that it puts strain on the abdomen directly. Not just that, experts also suggest that people who have suffered from heart and brain surgeries should not necessarily perform this asana. People with spinal problems should also avoid doing it to not further complicate the situation.
6. Nadisuddhi Pranayama

The Nadisuddhi Pranayama is more of a form of meditation while clearing out the entire nasal passage altogether.
Not just that, it has also been proven beneficial to get rid of any kind of impurities littering the overall respiratory tract. When it comes to discussing about the yoga poses for brain power, this one definitely stands out of the crowd.
The main reason is the fact that it boosts the overall oxygen supply in the body. When you breathe in fresh air in and out of your body, it goes without saying that it does help in boosting the overall health of an individual, especially boosting one’s brain activity for the best.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

Addressing the precautions, it is important to ensure that one should never strain their breathing while performing this asana. It is important to be very casual and not strain your respiratory system while doing so. It is also not ideal for patients of hypertension to perform this specific yoga pose for brain power.
7. Halasana

Halasana is also an effective yoga pose to increase brain memory and contribute to the overall improvement in one’s concentration.
The main reason why this yoga pose is actually beneficial for boosting one’s brain power and function is mainly because of the fact that it boosts the overall metabolism of the body. It has proven benefits in relieving signs of stress in the body and mind and is quite effective in calming down the brain activity as well.
It is also quite amazing for patients suffering from impaired thyroid gland functioning.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

If someone suffers from brain diseases or even hypertension, for that matter, it is best suggested to ensure that you avoid doing it. Apart from that, it is often suggested for people suffering from enlarged spleen and such to avoid doing this altogether to prevent making the situation further worse.
8. Tadasana

Also often known as the mountain pose, Tadasana is actually quite impactful in boosting one’s concentration and brain power by ensuring that you have proper sleep in the day. If you have been stressed consistently, it is best suggested to ensure that you include this yoga pose in your daily routine of yoga practice.
It is actually quite beneficial in getting rid of conditions like insomnia as well as headaches that could often affect one’s overall quality of life. It is quite beneficial in inducing a deeper sleep for you and helping out in getting rid of the associated problems.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

When it comes to talking about the precautions regarding the Tadasana yoga pose, it is best suggested to avoid standing on the feet for an extended period of time. Not just that, experts also suggest to avoid putting a lot of strain on the knees because then it can end up affecting them in the long run as well.
9. Mayurasana

Mayurasana is not a very easy yoga pose to master. It takes quite a lot of time and core strength to be able to successfully do that all the while.
It is believed that doing this specific yoga pose can actually be a lot beneficial in detoxifying the body and getting rid of the signs of fever and other associated issues. If required, it is also proven to be quite beneficial for tending to conditions like that of kidney stones and is even effective for warding off diabetes. When it comes to brain power, it is quite effective in improving the overall concentration and getting rid of problems one face when it comes to coordination and such.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

Mayurasana requires a lot of core strength which is why it is important to ensure that you don’t try and overexert pressure while doing this yoga pose. If required, simply start off with support and then move forth to do them without any support when you feel ready to do the same.
10. Padangusthasana

Last but not the least on the list of the yoga for brain power includes Padangusthasana. This asana is believed to have amazing impacts in boosting not just the overall brain function and memory storage, it is also quite effective in relaxing one’s overall body and helps get rid of signs of stress.
The stretching of the hamstrings is quite beneficial in relaxing your entire body and helping you get rid of the problems that could have been affecting your brain function.
How to do?
Refer to the video to get a practical representation of how it’s done.

Owing to the fact that this is one of those yoga poses to increase brain memory, it is always best suggested to take it easy. Don’t rush through the process or don’t try and overexert pressure on the back muscles because that can cause negative impacts on the spinal cord. People with weak ankles should also stay away from this asana altogether.
When it comes to assessing several of the yoga for brain power, the possibilities might seem a lot. It is very important to perform each one of the poses in the way it should be done. Any kind of pain or discomfort can often end up doing worse than good. If you wish to witness positive results from the same, it is always best suggested to ensure that you do it every single day without fail.