10 Yoga Poses For Heart Health – Get That Blood Flowing Properly!


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Yoga poses for heart health

Yoga poses are quite abundant and each one of them has some important benefits when it comes to health. Owing to the fact that the heart is so rigorously worked on a daily basis, it is important to ensure that you opt for the yoga poses for heart health that would impose beneficial results.

With so many yoga poses available, it is important that you know of the best ones targeted to keep your heart healthy and fit. We are going to suggest a plethora to help you with your search altogether.

In here, we are going to list out the best yoga asanas for a healthy heart that you can definitely take a peek into.

Why Yoga is Good for Heart?

Why Yoga is Good for HeartYoga poses are not just important to boost your physical well being but has also been found to have amazing impacts on your overall mental health. If you have been consistently struggling to keep things aligned for yourself, especially when it comes to your health, it is best suggested that you know of the healthy heart yoga mudras for better impacts.

Let us take a look at some of the best yoga poses for heart health, shall we?

1. Sukhasana

src: www.yogauonline.com

When it comes to the healthy heart yoga poses, the Sukhasana is definitely one of the best one in the lot. It is not just easy to do but brings your concentration together for better impacts and helps in managing the blood pressure for better heart health.

Steps to do

  1. Start by sitting in an erect position with your feet stretched out
  2. Gradually bring in your feet and fold them at the knees and sit in the meditative pose
  3. Make sure that your body is in a relaxed state and your knees and the shins are forming a triangle
  4. Place the backside of your palm over the knees with your hands stretched out
  5. Close your eyes, relax your body and just meditate to calm yourself down
  6. Do this for 10 minutes straight

Best time to do

  • Given that it is a meditative pose, it is best suggested to do it in the morning


  • Help bring mental peace and calmness
  • Relaxes the brain and improves functions
  • Helps regulate blood pressure
  • Strengthens the involved muscles and bones
  • Handles and manages stress and anxiety


  • If you have recently suffered any form of injuries in the knees and back, it is best to avoid doing this asana.

2. Tadasana

src: www.yogajournal.com

Also often termed as the Mountain pose, this is one of the yoga poses for health heart that you definitely include in your routine. It is also amazing for balance and posture management.

Steps to do

  1. Start by standing shoulder width apart, keeping your arms loosely by the side of your body
  2. Keeping your thigh muscles firm, strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles while simultaneously lifting them
  3. Stretch your hands from either side of your body and take them up to the top of your head and place them there
  4. Join your feet so your heels are touching in the back and then gently lift yourself up while pressure on the toes
  5. Hold this posture for a few seconds and return to the original pose again
  6. Repeat this 10 times in a time frame

Best time to do

  • Morning/ Evening


  • Helps improve the stance and posture
  • Removes the risks of flat feet
  • Elongates the spine and improves balance
  • Improves and boosts the other accessory organ function, especially heart health


  • If you suffer from low blood pressure or even with problems with the balance and headache, it is best suggested to avoid it for good till the condition gets better.

3. Nishpandabhava

src: wixstatic.com

It is quite an underrated but very effective yoga asanas for healthy heart. If you have been suffering from heart issues and been feeling fatigued and not good, in general, this is actually an amazing pose to opt for.

Steps to do

  1. Sit down erect against a wall, keeping your spine straight and firm
  2. Keep your legs stretched out in front of you and ensure to keep a distance of 2-3 ft in between them
  3. Then, place your palms facing up on the upper thigh region and close your eyes
  4. Start by focusing on your breath and then focus on a persistent sound
  5. Keep your body and mind relaxed
  6. Sit down in that pose for 15 minutes

Best time to do

  • Morning


  • Helps in calming down the mind
  • Keeps the blood pressure in check
  • Checks the posture too
  • Helps aligning the posture for the maximum benefit

Read:10 Home Remedies For Heart Palpitations – Get Your Heart Rate In Check

4. Anjali Mudra

Anjali Mudra
src: www.maryannweeks.co.uk

Yet another one of the amazing and best yoga for healthy heart definitely has to be the Anjali Mudra which brings harmony and peace to one’s mind, thus keeping the heart health in check.

Steps to do

  1. Start by sitting in the meditation pose without your hands relaxed
  2. Bring your hands in front of your chest and do the “Namaste” position with the hand
  3. This is what aligns the heart chakra
  4. Close your eyes, relax and just take deep breaths
  5. Hole your breath and then exhale gradually for the maximum benefits
  6. Do this persistently for a few minutes at a stretch

Best time to do

  • Morning


  1. Helps in calming the mind and prevents the racing mind
  2. Helps in the proper functioning of the heart
  3. Keeps your posture in check
  4. Aligns the heart chakra for maximum benefits


  • If you have issues with the knees and sitting on the ground, this isn’t the one for you

5. Uttanasana

src: www.gaia.com

Uttanasana is one of the best yoga poses for heart health that improves the body functions on a whole as well. The best thing to ensure is that you follow through the pose the way it is meant to be done.

Steps to do

  1. Start by standing erect with your spine elongated
  2. Keep your hands on your hips and inhale during that process
  3. Following that, bring a slight softness to the knees and fold your body from your hips and bend down
  4. Once done, place your palms on the ground by your feet
  5. You can also hold your ankles firmly and hold that position
  6. Hold this position for a few seconds
  7. Gradually return back to the original position

Best time to do

  • Morning


  • Helps strengthen the back muscles and lengthens the spine
  • Boosts heart health
  • Improves posture
  • Boosts the kidney and liver function
  • Alleviates high blood pressure


  • Prevent doing this if you have sustained an injury in the knees, back or even have sciatica

6. Vrikshasana

src: indusscrolls.com

Also known as the tree pose, Vrikshasana is yet another one of the best yoga to keep heart healthy and in the best possibly condition through the span of time.

Steps to do

  1. Start with an erect posture, keeping your arms by the side of your body
  2. Bend your right knee and place the underside of the foot on the inner part of your left thigh
  3. Ensure that the left leg is straight and you should focus on maintaining your posture through the process too
  4. Take a deep breath and raise your arms above your head
  5. Join them above the head, ensuring that the arms are straight
  6. Look straight and focus your attention on something distant
  7. Take deep breaths through it and hold the pose for a few seconds
  8. Repeat this with the right leg as well

Best time to do

  • Morning


  • Rejuvenates the body and the mind
  • Helps stretch out the legs and arms
  • Helps bring about equilibrium to the body
  • Boosts concentration
  • Helps improve the condition of sciatica


  • If you are pregnant or have had recent surgeries done, avoiding this yoga pose is beneficial

7. Sthitaprarthanasana

src: scontent.cdninstagram.com

This is yet another one of the amazing yoga poses for heart health is Sthitaprarthanasana which is known around for its beneficial impacts that it has on the heart and the overall prospects of the health that you have.

Steps to do

  1. It is quite easy to do and doesn’t require any form of impacts on one’s physical efficacy
  2. Start by standing erect, with your spine elongated
  3. Ensure to keep your knees straight but not stiff at all
  4. Bring your hands close to your heart and do the “Namaste” pose
  5. Once done, take in deep breaths and hold that position for a few seconds
  6. Focus your concentration on one point through that as well

Best time to do

  • Morning


  • It helps in improving concentration
  • It helps in boost the heart health by regulating the blood pressure
  • It helps in bringing forth better overall health and mental peace
  • Aligns our posture too

8. Padangusthasana

src: vyfhealth.com

Next on the list of the best yoga for healthy heart definitely has to be Padangusthasana owing to the kind of benefits it imposes on one’s heart and overall health.

Steps to do

  1. Start by standing erect with your feet parallel to each other
  2. It is necessary that your feet should be six inches apart while keeping your legs straight as well
  3. Once done, contract your thigh muscles to make your kneecaps point out
  4. Bending forward, make sure that your forehead is grazing the knees
  5. Bring your hands down to touch your toes with the fingers. Hold them with a firm grip
  6. Inhale and then lift your body up and exhale and then bend forward again
  7. Come back to position again

Best time to do

  • Morning


  • Relieves the signs of anxiety and stress
  • Boosts the functions of kidneys and liver
  • Makes the thighs stronger
  • Stimulates the digestive and the reproductive system
  • Relieves the condition of menstruation and insomnia


  • Even though it is a basic pose and anyone can do it, it is still best suggested to do the same under the guidance of an instructor

9. Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Anulom Vilom Pranayama
src: medictips.com

This is one of the best yoga poses for heart health, mainly because the breathing exercise does help in bringing about better impacts on one’s overall health.

Steps to do

  1. Start by sitting in the meditation pose
  2. Breathe in and out first
  3. Start by closing one of the nostrils and then breathing in through the other
  4. While exhaling, close the other nostril and breathe out through the nostril that was close before
  5. Do this repeatedly with either one for a minute

Best time to do

  • Morning


  • Helps in improving lung capacity
  • Relieves the signs of stress and anxiety
  • Boosts the heart health as well
  • Controls the risks of diabetes
  • Prevents high cholesterol


  • This is predominantly safe for anyone to do, just ensure that you do the steps correctly for the maximum results

10. Veerabhadrasana

src: timesnownews.com

Last but not the least on the list of the best yoga for heart health definitely has to be the Veerabhadrasana.

Steps to do

  1. Start with an erect posture, keeping the spine straight and your feet a few inches apart
  2. Then, move and shift your right foot by 90 degrees and the left one by 15
  3. Lift your arms and stretch them out sideways to the height of your shoulders
  4. Bend your left knee and then turn your head and look in the right direction
  5. Ensure to keep your right leg straightened out
  6. Don’t stop breathing deeply during the process
  7. Hold that posture for a period of time
  8. Breathing in and then return your posture back to the initial state

Best time to do

  • Morning


  • Amazing for back muscles and spine
  • Helps boost heart health
  • Manages the balance in the body and boosts the stamina
  • Relieves the stress in the shoulders


  • Avoid doing it if you have been suffering from any injuries and pain around in the back

There are an abundance of yoga poses for heart health but we have sorted out the best 10 among them. It is important that you lead an active lifestyle if you want to keep your health in check for the most part. They have been found to have beneficial impacts in not just boosting the heart health but even the overall health, for that matter.